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Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

182 opiniones
4.27 / 5 sobre 182 opiniones
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Jeff T
Tufts University, Medford, Estados Unidos
Relaciones Internacionales, Grado, Acuerdo de universidad
Tipo de alojamiento: Habitación de intercambio
Organizado por: Universidad de origen
Si volviera, eligiría: Habitación de intercambio
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Evaluación personal
Comentario personal
Tufts reserves dorm rooms as well as rooms in some suites. I had my own room in a suite built for four (4) people. Also included were two showers, a kitchen with many modern ammenities, extra storage space, as well as washing machines (for general dorm use). Living with German students proved to be a valuable experience, especially for improving language/comprehension skills.
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Jeff T
Tufts University, Medford, Estados Unidos
Relaciones Internacionales, Grado, Acuerdo de universidad
Vida estudiantil
Cómo es la ciudad de destino:
Los estudiantes se relacionan tanto con la comunidad local como con otros estudiantes
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Vida nocturna: Principalmente fuera de la universidad y de los estudiantes
Actividades, Viajar: Tanto en el entorno universitario como fuera
Experiencia de vida social
Vida nocturna
Valoración global
Comentario personal
Tuebingen may be an old University town, but the local discos are dominated either by highschoolers or by adults in their 30s and 40s. A train to nearby Reutlingen (16 minutes) is one's best bet for all night dancing. Walk through the town and uphill to get to Farberei, a large disco with several rooms featuring different musical styles (popular, drum & bass, the ubiquitous techno, or lounge). Make sure to dress appropriately - sneakers and jeans wont get you in. Stuttgart also offers great nightlife and is about 45 minutes away by train. If you don't have the time or money for an all night excursion, the local scene is dominated by small bars. There is also a pleasant biergarten on the banks of the Necker River (the Neckermueler). Fraternity parties (Verbindungs Party) are also popular. Monday night Karaoke at Tangente Night is usually packed, please don't ask me why!
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Jeff T
Tufts University, Medford, Estados Unidos
Relaciones Internacionales, Grado, Acuerdo de universidad
Valoración global
Si lo hubiera sabido...
If you possess dual citizenship with Germany and don't have time/don't wish to fulfill your military obligations to Germany during your study abroad experience, register as an American. This will save you from having to deal with the Army.
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En mi opinión:
A la mayoría les gustó.
Factores imporantes para mi elección
(1) Sin importancia – (4) Muy importante
Razones académicas
Vida universitaria
Vida social y fiesta
Clima y ubicación
Recomendación personal
Simply put, Tuebingen has a great University. The Tufts program provided an ideal way of getting situated in the town and with classes. It is also a very well respected program that grants credit that most, if not all Universities will honor. I heartily recommend Tufts in Tuebingen.
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Durante mi experiencia en el extranjero...
(1) Nunca – (4) Mucho
Me familiaricé con otra cultura
Mejoré mis idiomas
Conocí gente de otros países
Me hice más autónomo
Me lo pasé bien de fiesta
Me cambió la vida
Avancé en mis estudios y mi carrera
Comentarios finales
I'm more of a city person, so I regretted not studying in Berlin or Munich. Still, there are ways to go out and have a good time, and the academics are frankly much better in Tuebingen than elsewhere. More than anything, my time in Germany gave me an opportunity to relax from the stresses of American institutions. I had a great time and very much miss the place now!!! I only wish I had had the time to study there for two semesters instead of one.
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Jeff T
Tufts University, Medford, Estados Unidos
Relaciones Internacionales, Grado, Acuerdo de universidad
Recomendaciones de cursos
Though Tufts University nominally grants credit for any course offered through the Karls Eberhard University (provided the student meets certain expecations - i.e. attends class, participates, and either writes a term paper or undergoes oral examination), one can run into problems if taking a class with a German Professor unfamiliar with the Tufts program. Try and take classes recommended by the Director of Tufts in Tuebingen.
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Mi experiencia académica
Calidad de los cursos
Variedad de los cursos
Acceso a recursos
Interacción con profesores
Interacción con estudiantes internacionales
Interacción con estudiantes locales
Comentario personal
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Mi opinión de los sistemas de evaluación
Exámenes a final de curso
Exámenes a lo largo del curso
Trabajos y proyectos al final del curso
Trabajos y proyectos a lo largo del curso
Valoración global
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Jeff T
Tufts University, Medford, Estados Unidos
Relaciones Internacionales, Grado, Acuerdo de universidad
Langue d: Alemán
¿Fue aprender Alemán fue un factor importante de elección?
Sí, quería mejorar mi Alemán
¿Cuánto mejoraste tu Alemán?
Mi nivel antes: Conversación cotidiana (comprar, desplazarse...)
Mi nivel después: Conversación general fluida
Dificultades de idioma
Valoración global
Comentario personal
Most younger Germans speak English fluently. If you really want to learn the language don't offer them any windows of opportunity to speak Enlish. Struggle along with German. Otherwise they tend to speak only English with you.
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Jeff T
Tufts University, Medford, Estados Unidos
Relaciones Internacionales, Grado, Acuerdo de universidad
Fuente de financiación principal:
Otras fuentes de financiación:
Oportunidades de trabajo:
No necesitaba o no quería trabajar
Costumbres personales de gasto
I was 20 years old when studying in Germany. Any underage American student can tell you that you tend to spend more on nightlife simply because you can (You have to be 21 to go to most clubs and bars in the States). I travelled more because the German railway system is incredibly efficient and convenient. As concerns other expenses, the USD was (and continues to be) very strong compared with other currencies, the DM included.
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Viajar, Vida nocturna:
Más caro que en casa.
Igual de caro que en casa.
Teléfono, General, Alojamiento:
Menos caro que en casa.
Disponibilidad de material estudiantil
Libros de segunda mano
Enseres de segunda mano
Ordenadores / internet
Dinero de casa
Comentario personal
The Director from Tufts will reimburse you for almost any cultural expenses you incur (including sports matches, museums, certain excursions, etc.)
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