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Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT)

77 opiniones
3.77 / 5 sobre 77 opiniones
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Ceske Vysoke Uceni Technicke v Praze, Prague, República Checa
Ingeniería, Civil, Posgrado, Erasmus
Langue d: Inglés
¿Fue aprender Inglés fue un factor importante de elección?
Sí, quería mejorar mi Inglés
¿Cuánto mejoraste tu Inglés?
Mi nivel antes: Conversación cotidiana (comprar, desplazarse...)
Mi nivel después: Conversación general fluida
Dificultades de idioma
Valoración global
Comentario personal
I had studied English for 10 years before I had gone for my Erasmus studies. But only there I realised that every language has many levels and can be taught only by living in the language. Irish has not been spoken much in Ireland anymore. There were some regions in the south and the west of the country where I met Irish.
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Ceske Vysoke Uceni Technicke v Praze, Prague, República Checa
Ingeniería, Civil, Posgrado, Erasmus
Fuente de financiación principal:
Otras fuentes de financiación:
Familia<br> Otros
Oportunidades de trabajo:
Trabajé durante mi estudio en el extranjero
Costumbres personales de gasto
I need roughly 1000 euro for a semestr in Czech republic while I spent 2700 euro in Ireland in the same time. I was travelling more but saving in food and personal expences.
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Teléfono, Comida, Vida nocturna, General, Alojamiento, Viajar:
Más caro que en casa.
Disponibilidad de material estudiantil
Libros de segunda mano
Enseres de segunda mano
Ordenadores / internet
Dinero de casa
Comentario personal
There is a great web of Hostels throughout Ireland where the ISIC card is accepted. Get the travel stamp for 30% discounts on busses.
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Ceske Vysoke Uceni Technicke v Praze, Prague, República Checa
Ingeniería, Civil, Posgrado, Erasmus
Recomendaciones de cursos
It bodes well to arrange as much as you can before you arrive. Although In my case I wanted to have subjects from various departments so I had to wait till I could see what was really offered and what was not classing in the timetable. I was disappointed that exams were written in the sportshall with hundrets of other students and I could not choose when I wanted to do each subject.
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Mi experiencia académica
Calidad de los cursos
Variedad de los cursos
Acceso a recursos
Interacción con profesores
Interacción con estudiantes internacionales
Interacción con estudiantes locales
Comentario personal
I would change the way of examing. At my home university each teacher is responsible for his/her way of examing and students can choose the date they like.
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Mi opinión de los sistemas de evaluación
Exámenes a final de curso
Exámenes a lo largo del curso
Trabajos y proyectos al final del curso
Trabajos y proyectos a lo largo del curso
Valoración global
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Ceske Vysoke Uceni Technicke v Praze, Prague, República Checa
Ingeniería, Civil, Posgrado, Erasmus
Valoración global
Si lo hubiera sabido...
There is nothing really importand I would mention. Just that I was a bit nervous before leaving for a year abroad. Now I know it was a great experience and I can be more relaxed and focused on what I want next time. But I needded that travel to realise this....
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En mi opinión:
A todos les encantó, ¡y a tí también te encantará!
Factores imporantes para mi elección
(1) Sin importancia – (4) Muy importante
Razones académicas
Vida universitaria
Vida social y fiesta
Clima y ubicación
Recomendación personal
In my opinion the level of GMIT in somewhere between the University and Secondary High school in the Czech Republic. So there was something I missed there to call it the real University but would for sure recomned the GMIT as the first abroad-study experience destination.
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Durante mi experiencia en el extranjero...
(1) Nunca – (4) Mucho
Me familiaricé con otra cultura
Mejoré mis idiomas
Conocí gente de otros países
Me hice más autónomo
Me lo pasé bien de fiesta
Me cambió la vida
Avancé en mis estudios y mi carrera
Comentarios finales
Go to the Cenvergence Festival which is held in Dublin in the spring time and is generally focused on various topics dealing with SUSTAINABLE LIFE AND DEVELOPEMENT ON EARTH Use a bicycle!
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Ceske Vysoke Uceni Technicke v Praze, Prague, República Checa
Ingeniería, Civil, Posgrado, Erasmus
Vida estudiantil
Cómo es la ciudad de destino:
Los estudiantes se relacionan tanto con la comunidad local como con otros estudiantes
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Viajar: Principalmente en la universidad y/o entre estudiantes
Vida nocturna: Principalmente fuera de la universidad y de los estudiantes
Actividades: Tanto en el entorno universitario como fuera
Experiencia de vida social
Vida nocturna
Valoración global
Comentario personal
I tried Yoga by BurrenYoga Centre which was really good. There were three Drumm Classes run at the time in the city...Search Niall O Flinn. I would also recomend 5-Rythms Dance Class. Go to concert of BARA and KILA. The school year in Ireland is the shortest in Europe. That gives plenty o time for travelling which is what you really should do in Ireland. Very beautiful.
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Ceske Vysoke Uceni Technicke v Praze, Prague, República Checa
Ingeniería, Civil, Posgrado, Erasmus
Tipo de alojamiento: Piso o apartamento
Organizado por: Universidad de intercambio
Si volviera, eligiría:
¿Por qué?
I have the opportunity to stay in the friend's house.
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Evaluación personal
Comentario personal
It was my first time abroad. I had no prior experience so I was happy for the accomodation arranged by GMIT International Office. Later on, when I settled down, I found a room by myself. In general: Campus accomodation is more expensive than accomodation in houses which on the other side may have a bad location. I would recomend to begin with acccomodation offered by GMIT and than decide to stay or to find something else.
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