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Karl Franzens Universität Graz (KFUNIGRAZ)

229 opiniones
4.22 / 5 sobre 229 opiniones
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Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Bélgica
Literatura, Posgrado, Erasmus
Tipo de alojamiento: En el campus
Organizado por: Universidad de intercambio
Si volviera, eligiría: En el campus
¿Por qué?
I had good contacts there with the other Erasmus-students and the austrian students. I believe that it would have been different in an apartment or in a family. Social contacts are very important to me.
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Evaluación personal
Comentario personal
There were a lot of facilities for students (computerrooms,libraries,studentsrestaurant).Only the acces was sometimes hard. I´ve had to wait several times because al computers were taken. I couldn´t find any vegetarian meals in the restaurant.
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Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Bélgica
Literatura, Posgrado, Erasmus
Vida estudiantil
Cómo es la ciudad de destino:
Los estudiantes se relacionan tanto con la comunidad local como con otros estudiantes
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Vida nocturna, Viajar: Principalmente fuera de la universidad y de los estudiantes
Actividades: Tanto en el entorno universitario como fuera
Experiencia de vida social
Vida nocturna
Valoración global
Comentario personal
Every friday there was an Erasmusstammtisch for the Erasmusstudents. That was a good occasion to meet friends. A lot of austrian students were there too. I also frequently visited the latin-american bar Latinos. It has a great atmosfere and some dancingspace. The Kulturhauskeller is the place to be when you really want to dance. It is worth the 25 ATS entrance-fee.The irish pubs are always crowded and they play great music there. In the city-park there is a small cafe. Especially in autumn, when it is still warm it is great to sit on the terrace. The Urbanikeller is also very trendy.
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Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Bélgica
Literatura, Posgrado, Erasmus
Valoración global
Si lo hubiera sabido...
Of the courses I followed in Graz only two were accepted by my home-university and I hardly found any matching courses. I didn´t know that beforhand and was really disappointed because I studied a lot in Graz and it was a waste of time.
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En mi opinión:
A la mayoría les gustó.
Factores imporantes para mi elección
(1) Sin importancia – (4) Muy importante
Razones académicas
Vida universitaria
Vida social y fiesta
Clima y ubicación
Recomendación personal
The atmosphere amongst the students is wonderfull and the city is beautifull. The professors are very friendly and helpfull. The level however is not that high (in comparison to my home-university) and it is a bit chaotic.
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Durante mi experiencia en el extranjero...
(1) Nunca – (4) Mucho
Me familiaricé con otra cultura
Mejoré mis idiomas
Conocí gente de otros países
Me hice más autónomo
Me lo pasé bien de fiesta
Me cambió la vida
Avancé en mis estudios y mi carrera
Comentarios finales
It is very important to make contacts not only with exchangestudents but also with Austrians. The studentsorganisation organises a lot of trips (to Vienna, Prag, Budapest,...). You shouldn´t miss them. It is best to come a week before the courses start. That way you can get to know the city and visit the most beautifull places ( Schloßberg, Hauptplatz, Schloß Eggenberg,...) without having to hurry.
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Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Bélgica
Literatura, Posgrado, Erasmus
Recomendaciones de cursos
It is best to first visit the course a few times before deciding which course to take. The level of the language-courses that are open to all students is very low.If you want to attend a seminar, make sure that you can speak German pretty good. They expect you to participate actively.
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Mi experiencia académica
Calidad de los cursos
Variedad de los cursos
Acceso a recursos
Interacción con profesores
Interacción con estudiantes internacionales
Interacción con estudiantes locales
Comentario personal
It would be better if the shedules were more complete. Some courses that were on the shedule weren´t thaught in the wintersemester and the roomnumbers and the hours weren´t always correct. It would also be better if the examsystem were less chaotic. Sometimes I didn´t know the exact date of the exam two weeks before it would take place. It is hard to make a proper planning that way.
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Mi opinión de los sistemas de evaluación
Exámenes a final de curso
Exámenes a lo largo del curso
Trabajos y proyectos al final del curso
Trabajos y proyectos a lo largo del curso
Valoración global
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Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Bélgica
Literatura, Posgrado, Erasmus
Langue d: Alemán
¿Fue aprender Alemán fue un factor importante de elección?
Sí, quería mejorar mi Alemán
¿Cuánto mejoraste tu Alemán?
Mi nivel antes: Frases básicas
Mi nivel después: Conversación general fluida
Dificultades de idioma
Valoración global
Comentario personal
I was surprised about my ability to speak German. I hadn´t expected to cope that well. At the begin I was a little shy and was affraid to make mistakes but that changed very quickly. I had a lot of contacts with austrian students and therefore I was obliged to speak German all the time. I also had contacts with Englishmen and Frenchmen but we spoke German most of the time. I learned a lot of new expressions and words.
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Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Bélgica
Literatura, Posgrado, Erasmus
Fuente de financiación principal:
Beca oficial
Otras fuentes de financiación:
Ahorro personal<br> Beca ERASMUS
Oportunidades de trabajo:
Trabajé durante mi estudio en el extranjero
Costumbres personales de gasto
I bought my food in the cheapest store in town and hardly ever used the telephone because it was too expensive. The accomodationfee was much higher than at home and the drinks in cafes where very expensive compared to what I pay at home. Graz is a fairly big city and therefore I had to use the public transport every day. At home I don´t use it that much.
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Alojamiento, Vida nocturna, General, Viajar:
Más caro que en casa.
Igual de caro que en casa.
Menos caro que en casa.
Disponibilidad de material estudiantil
Libros de segunda mano
Enseres de segunda mano
Ordenadores / internet
Dinero de casa
Comentario personal
You can buy a second-hand bicycle for the time you are in Graz. They are fairly cheap and then you don´t have to use public transport. You can sell it again when you leave. Hofer is the cheapest supermarket in town but you can´t find everything there and you have to be carefull with vegetables (they might not be good anymore).Merkur is also cheap and you can find almost everything there.
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