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Études > Norvège > Oslo > Norwegian School of Management BI > Avis de Ioana A 
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Norwegian School of Management BI (NSM)

214 avis
4.00 / 5 sur 214 avis
Utile  |  3
Ioana A
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti, Bucharest, Roumanie
Économie, Master, Accord universitaire
Recommandations de cours
Being part of a Double Degree Programme I didn't have such a big choice when it comes to courses, most of them were mandatory and I would have enjoyed to be given more liberty to choose. Also, some interesting courses were off limits to some of the master programmes.
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Mon exprérience académique
Qualité des cours
Catalogue de cours
Accès à différentes ressources
Intéraction avec les professeurs
Intéraction avec les étudiants étrangers
Intéraction avec les étudiants locaux
Commentaire personnel
I found the way of teaching and the assessment process a bit a bit inflexible and students (mostly foreigners) were required to fit into an established pattern and not given any chance at following their already formed aptitudes also.
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Mon avis sur l'évaluation
Examens en fin de cours
Examens au cours du trimestre
Travaux et projets finaux
Travaux et projets pendant le cours
Évaluation globale
Utile  |  1
Ioana A
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti, Bucharest, Roumanie
Économie, Master, Accord universitaire
Évaluation globale
Si j'avais su
I wish I could have been able to imagine how different this experience will be for me and enjoy it more from the beginning.
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A mon avis:
La plupart ont aimé
Critères importants pour mon choix
(1) Aucune importance – (4) Très important
Raisons académiques
Vie universitaire
Vie sociale / Fête
Climat et emplacement
Recommandation personnelle
They are doing a great job, but maybe they could consider being a bit more flexible, as mentioned at one of the above points of this review.
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Pendant mon expérience à l'étranger j'ai...
(1) Jaimais – (4) Très souvent
Appréhendé une autre culture
Accru mes compétences linguistiques
Rencontré des gens d'autres pays
Développé mon autonomie
Fait la fête
Vécu une transformation
Amélioré mes possibilités de carrière
Derniers commentaires
My advice is to go ahead and try it, you will figure it out on the way. Just keep in mind you will need a considerable grant or any other private funds to be able to cover even the most basic expenses (accommodation, transportation, books, food).
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Ioana A
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti, Bucharest, Roumanie
Économie, Master, Accord universitaire
Langues étrangères
Langue d'enseignement: Anglais
La langue locale fut: Different than language of instruction
Apprendre le Anglais fut un élément important de la décision?
Oui, je voulais améliorer mon Anglais
Apprendre le la langue locale fut un élément important de la décision?
Oui, je souhaitais améliorer mon la langue locale
Quels progrès en Anglais?
Mon niveau d'avant: A l'aise dans la plupart des cas
Mon niveau après: Aucun problème, même en colloquial
Quels progrès en la langue locale?
Mon niveau d'avant: Ne parlais pas
Mon niveau après: Phrases de base
Difficultés linguistiques
Évaluation globale
Commentaire personnel
English is a language largely spoken by everybody in Norway, so no language barrier appeared during my stay there. Norwegian is a particularly difficult language to learn, in my opinion, and the host university didn't put to much interest in assuring Norwegian courses for its foreign students.
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Utile  |  2
Ioana A
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti, Bucharest, Roumanie
Économie, Master, Accord universitaire
Principale source de financement:
Bourse privée
Autres sources de financement:
Mes propres économies
Opportunités d'emploi:
Pas besoin/envie de travailler
Dépenses habituelles
Norway is a much more expensive country than Romania in all aspects, but with a higher life standard also, so I assume that inhabitants don't necessarily feel they are spending too much. For a student living out of a grant it's nevertheless hard.
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Alimentation, Logement, Vie nocturne, Général, Voyager:
Plus cher que chez moi
Aussi cher que chez moi
Accés au matériel scolaire
Livres d'occasion
Appareils d'occasion
Ordinateurs / internet
Démarches administratives
Retrait d'argent
Commentaire personnel
A cheaper dorm can mean a significant saving of money without a too bigger difference in conditions compared to a more expensive on campus accommodation.
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Utile  |  5
Ioana A
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti, Bucharest, Roumanie
Économie, Master, Accord universitaire
Type de logement: Sur le campus
Organisé par: Université d'accueil
Si j'y retournais je choisirais: Appartement/maison
While the conditions of living in a dorm were satisfying and much superior to the one's in Romania, I didn't particularly enjoy sharing facilities like toilet and kitchen.
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Evaluation personnelle
Commentaire personnel
Good conditions for a dorm, the price-quality aspect was balanced, the location was very well connected and you could easily reach important spots in town, including the university. Overall clean place, although the part that the tenants were supposed to attend to not so much and also the shared facilities posed a problem.
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Ioana A
Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti, Bucharest, Roumanie
Économie, Master, Accord universitaire
Vie étudiante
Description de la ville:
Autant sur le campus qu'à l'extérieur
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Voyager: A lieu principalement à la fac et/ou entre les étudiants
Vie nocturne, Activités: A lieu autant sur le campus et en dehors
Expérience personnelle de vie sociale
Vie nocturne
Évaluation globale
Commentaire personnel
night clubs like Lipp (very popular among foreign students), Shnas (the university on campus night club where you could have fun at accessible prices and in a safe environment due to the fact that only BI students could come in) bars with nice events and live concerts like Bla
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