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Oxford Brookes University

135 opiniones
4.13 / 5 sobre 135 opiniones
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Universitetet i Stavanger, Stavanger, Noruega
Hostelería, Gestión de Restaurantes / Hoteles, Posgrado, Acuerdo de universidad
Tipo de alojamiento: En el campus
Organizado por: Universidad de intercambio
Si volviera, eligiría: En el campus
¿Por qué?
When going abroad for a sort period of time, on campus accomodation is the best solution; you don't waste time looking for a place to live upon arrival, and you can concentrate fully on your studies.
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Evaluación personal
Comentario personal
I stayed at Paul Kent hall, which is a hall mostly for foreign graduate students. It is a bit more expensive tha other halls, but it is new, and the facilities are great: rooms with attached bathrooms, new kitchens that are cleaned regularly, helpful reception desk, and a samll computer room. It is not very far from Uni, and there is a bus to the city centre every 20-30 minutes.
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Universitetet i Stavanger, Stavanger, Noruega
Hostelería, Gestión de Restaurantes / Hoteles, Posgrado, Acuerdo de universidad
Vida estudiantil
Cómo es la ciudad de destino:
La vida estudiantil domina en la ciudad
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Actividades: Principalmente en la universidad y/o entre estudiantes
Vida nocturna: Principalmente fuera de la universidad y de los estudiantes
Viajar: Tanto en el entorno universitario como fuera
Experiencia de vida social
Vida nocturna
Valoración global
Comentario personal
I did not go out much, but I got the impression there was more than enough to do if one wanted to. Oxford is a great town, and it is close enough to London that you can go there for a day, or even for a night out, as there are busses 24 hours a day.
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Universitetet i Stavanger, Stavanger, Noruega
Hostelería, Gestión de Restaurantes / Hoteles, Posgrado, Acuerdo de universidad
Valoración global
Si lo hubiera sabido...
No, we got very good information before we left.
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En mi opinión:
A la mayoría les gustó.
Factores imporantes para mi elección
(1) Sin importancia – (4) Muy importante
Razones académicas
Vida universitaria
Vida social y fiesta
Clima y ubicación
Recomendación personal
I was very satisfied with the quality of the teaching. It came as surprise that there were only 2 English students out of 45, but the international composition made for a great team building experience. The social life was also good, everyone was very friendly.
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Durante mi experiencia en el extranjero...
(1) Nunca – (4) Mucho
Me familiaricé con otra cultura
Mejoré mis idiomas
Conocí gente de otros países
Me hice más autónomo
Me lo pasé bien de fiesta
Me cambió la vida
Avancé en mis estudios y mi carrera
Comentarios finales
There was really a lot to do in the courses, and many in the class ended up having no life outside the classroom. It is important to relax, it even contributes to better grades! So get out and do something. I started doing tae kwon do, and got to know even more people, mostly English this time, and I still keep in touch with them. Also try to travel a bit around England. To my great shame, I have only been to Lond twice in 6 months, which is a bit sad.
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Universitetet i Stavanger, Stavanger, Noruega
Hostelería, Gestión de Restaurantes / Hoteles, Posgrado, Acuerdo de universidad
Recomendaciones de cursos
The postgraduate courses in Hotel Management are very good. I also took 2 classes witht he undergrads, and was positively surprised by the quality of the teaching. But there is a lot to do, I spent a least 40 hours a week doing school work.
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Mi experiencia académica
Calidad de los cursos
Variedad de los cursos
Acceso a recursos
Interacción con profesores
Interacción con estudiantes internacionales
Interacción con estudiantes locales
Comentario personal
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Mi opinión de los sistemas de evaluación
Exámenes a final de curso
Exámenes a lo largo del curso
Trabajos y proyectos al final del curso
Trabajos y proyectos a lo largo del curso
Valoración global
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Universitetet i Stavanger, Stavanger, Noruega
Hostelería, Gestión de Restaurantes / Hoteles, Posgrado, Acuerdo de universidad
Langue d: Inglés
¿Fue aprender Inglés fue un factor importante de elección?
Sí, quería mejorar mi Inglés
¿Cuánto mejoraste tu Inglés?
Mi nivel antes: Buen nivel coloquial, sin problemas de comprensión
Mi nivel después: Buen nivel coloquial, sin problemas de comprensión
Dificultades de idioma
Valoración global
Comentario personal
I did not have any trouble with the language of instruction, as I have worked and studied in English before. But some people in the class did not speak much English, and that was a problem sometimes, as we had quite a lot a group assignments and discussions. So if your English is good, be prepared to correct everyone else's papers, and allow for misunderstandings during seminars. It can be irritating at times, but if you keep your sense of humour, it can be interesting.
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Universitetet i Stavanger, Stavanger, Noruega
Hostelería, Gestión de Restaurantes / Hoteles, Posgrado, Acuerdo de universidad
Fuente de financiación principal:
Beca oficial
Otras fuentes de financiación:
Ahorro personal
Oportunidades de trabajo:
Trabajé durante mi estudio en el extranjero
Costumbres personales de gasto
Well, food is lot cheaper in England than in Norway, and I did not cook as much as I would do at home with my husband. We had free bus between the student hall and the school, so I also saved quite a bit of money there compared to home.
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Teléfono, Alojamiento:
Igual de caro que en casa.
Comida, Viajar, Vida nocturna, General:
Menos caro que en casa.
Disponibilidad de material estudiantil
Libros de segunda mano
Enseres de segunda mano
Ordenadores / internet
Dinero de casa
Comentario personal
It is a good idea to invest in a computer before coming to Brookes, as the computer facilites are quite cramped. I had to rent a computer on several occasions so I could hand in papers on time! Housing is expensive in Oxford (about the same as in London), so come prepared, especially if you plan on renting a flat on your own. I worked 9 hours every Saturdays in a store. Part-time jobs are easy to find, and foreign students can work up to a certain number of hours a week (15-20?) without paying income taxes.
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