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Estudios > Hungría > Pecs > Pécsi Tudományegyetem > Opinión de anonymous 
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Pécsi Tudományegyetem (JPTE)

99 opiniones
4.21 / 5 sobre 99 opiniones
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Lapin Yliopisto, Rovaniemi, Finlandia
Arte, Grado, Erasmus
Fuente de financiación principal:
Beca oficial
Otras fuentes de financiación:
Ahorro personal<br> Beca ERASMUS
Oportunidades de trabajo:
No intenté trabajar
Costumbres personales de gasto
Food was mostly cheaper than in Finland (imported food was not so cheap) and so were the expenses of the accommodation. Restaurants and travel were also cheaper but I spent more on them than I normally do.
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Teléfono, Vida nocturna, General, Viajar:
Más caro que en casa.
Comida, Alojamiento:
Menos caro que en casa.
Disponibilidad de material estudiantil
Libros de segunda mano
Enseres de segunda mano
Ropa de cama de segunda mano
Dinero de casa
Comentario personal
The prices went up quite a lot in bars after new year and I wonder how fast the inflation-rate grows..?
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Lapin Yliopisto, Rovaniemi, Finlandia
Arte, Grado, Erasmus
Langue d: Húngaro
¿Fue aprender Húngaro fue un factor importante de elección?
Sí, quería mejorar mi Húngaro
¿Cuánto mejoraste tu Húngaro?
Mi nivel antes: Conversación general fluida
Mi nivel después: Conversación general fluida
Dificultades de idioma
Valoración global
Comentario personal
The teachers spoke to me in English or German. If they couldn´t say something they asked another student to translate. People at the university were helpful and tried to find a way to communicate. It would´ve been nice to be able to speak more with other students who seemed very friendly but we didn´t share a same language. Anyway English is not my first langauge either! In Hungary people don´t speak very much English and in shops and railway-stations I usually tried to cope in Hungarian. Finding an apartment indipendently was very difficult because of the language and it took some time, but luckily we met some helpful Hungarians and managed to find a nice place!
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Lapin Yliopisto, Rovaniemi, Finlandia
Arte, Grado, Erasmus
Valoración global
Si lo hubiera sabido...
It would´ve been nice to start looking for an apartment already in my home-country, but I understand how difficult it´d be to organize!
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En mi opinión:
A la mayoría les gustó.
Factores imporantes para mi elección
(1) Sin importancia – (4) Muy importante
Razones académicas
Vida universitaria
Vida social y fiesta
Clima y ubicación
Recomendación personal
Faculty of art is small and flexible. You´ll soon meet everyone and as an exchange-student you´ll be able to choose the courses you like.
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Durante mi experiencia en el extranjero...
(1) Nunca – (4) Mucho
Me familiaricé con otra cultura
Mejoré mis idiomas
Conocí gente de otros países
Me hice más autónomo
Me lo pasé bien de fiesta
Me cambió la vida
Avancé en mis estudios y mi carrera
Comentarios finales
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Lapin Yliopisto, Rovaniemi, Finlandia
Arte, Grado, Erasmus
Recomendaciones de cursos
I studied at the faculty of art. There you choose one "main teacher" for your stay. Find out what style and technique each teacher emphasizes in his/her teaching before you make a decision. Some teachers focus on drawing skills, some emphasize finding a way of expression. Tell them what are your expectations!
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Mi experiencia académica
Calidad de los cursos
Variedad de los cursos
Acceso a recursos
Interacción con profesores
Interacción con estudiantes internacionales
Interacción con estudiantes locales
Comentario personal
I couldn´t attend lectures because they were all in Hungarian. Would be nice to have some foreign visiting lecturers speaking in English!
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Mi opinión de los sistemas de evaluación
Exámenes a final de curso
Exámenes a lo largo del curso
Trabajos y proyectos al final del curso
Trabajos y proyectos a lo largo del curso
Valoración global
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Lapin Yliopisto, Rovaniemi, Finlandia
Arte, Grado, Erasmus
Vida estudiantil
Cómo es la ciudad de destino:
La vida estudiantil domina en la ciudad
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Actividades: Principalmente en la universidad y/o entre estudiantes
Viajar: Principalmente fuera de la universidad y de los estudiantes
Vida nocturna: Tanto en el entorno universitario como fuera
Experiencia de vida social
Vida nocturna
Valoración global
Comentario personal
My favourite night spot was Rák. The Elephant served the best pizzas (but there ARE cheaper places where to eat too!). The view from the tv-tower is definately worth checking! There are also many interesting looking houses on the mountain if you like to have some exercise climbing those hills ;-)
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Lapin Yliopisto, Rovaniemi, Finlandia
Arte, Grado, Erasmus
Tipo de alojamiento: Piso o apartamento
Organizado por: Independientemente - por elección propia
Si volviera, eligiría: Piso o apartamento
¿Por qué?
I lived first at campus but I chose to move to an apartment with another exchange-student because we wanted to have more of a home-feeling and our own kitchen and bathroom. I was very happy with our cosy little apartment!
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Evaluación personal
Comentario personal
Campus was fine, too! It´s easy to meet lot of other students in there. Our room was newly renovated and clean and there was internet-access in another room in a corridor. There was some noice on disco-nights though (Mon&Wed). There were some language problems with the stuff because they didn´t speak English, but there were always some helpful Hungarian students who would translate!
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