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Opiniones de Università degli Studi di Salerno (UNISA)

48 opiniones
4.29 / 5 sobre 48 opiniones
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The best in southern Italy
Elia T
Italia, Posgrado
Management, 2022
Valoración global
I have been studying at this university since 2016 (6 years), majoring in Management and soon to complete a Master's degree. I can say that since the first year I've had a great time, the facilities are fantastic and the teaching staff is very qualified. The campus is very large, a sort of mini-center where there is everything, from classrooms to squares, gardens, swimming pools, laboratories, areas equipped for study and sports. The course of study was very educational and provided me with excellent skills in the field of Management. Definitely the best in southern Italy as confirmed by statistics.
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A favor
On campus-activities
En contra
Geographical location
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Inusuale, perchè vissuta durante la pandemia
rebecca p
Comunicación y Ciencias de la Información, 2022
Valoración global
I corsi sono stati per la maggior parte interessanti. Gli esami mi hanno dato delle grandi basi teoriche per poter sviluppare appieno un pensiero critico circa la società dell'infomazione e della comunicazione odierna. Adesso sento che è il momento di portare fuori queste conoscenze ed applicarle al mondo reale, per poter avere un confronto di tutto quello che ho studiato ma anche oltre, conoscere ed imparare ogni giorno.
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A favor
si viene seguiti abbastanza bene dai professori
En contra
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Three years of intense study
Antonio F
Italia, Otros cursos
, 1991
Valoración global
Università di Salerno is a modern and young university tech oriented.
The environment is friendly, the average age of the professors is low but despite that the quality of the teaching and direct experience is at top level.
Being a very high tech university, the graduated students are able to find a job pretty fast.
As always, it is up to the student, his/her will to invest time (and money) into studying.
It is pretty easy to reach, there are regional trains from Salerno railways station to the stations of Lancusi or Fisciano.
It is easy to find lodging around the university in the towns of Lancusi, Fisciano and Baronissi.
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A favor
Environment, campus, job opportunities
En contra
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Journey Of Fulfilment
Italia, Posgrado
Ingeniería, Química, 2022
Valoración global
It was a great place to confirm and validate all academic curiosity, it was rigorous course content with allot of writings and oral examination. 

The Language register and shocks of tongues made it worth an experience.
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La oficina de carreras
This is an exceptional part of the university, there are competitive internship opportunities accessed by merit. It's worth it once eligible and assigned.
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A favor
Opportunity to interact with different backgrounds
En contra
Academic Integration programs were missing
In aula, Master II livello, Formazione personale dirigente
4.400 €
In aula, Master, Formazione personale dirigente, 12 Mesi
3.900 €
OPINIONES DE BECARIOS EN Università degli Studi di Salerno
No hay descripción todavía.
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Teléfono: +39 089 96 24 17
Dirección: University of Salerno, Via Ponte Don Melillo, 84084 Fisciano, Salerno, Italia
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