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Université de Savoie

133 avis
3.91 / 5 sur 133 avis
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Stephen C
University of Wales Swansea, Swansea, Royaume-Uni
Langues étrangères, Licence, Erasmus
Vie étudiante
Description de la ville:
Tous se passe hors campus
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Activités: A lieu principalement à la fac et/ou entre les étudiants
Vie nocturne: A lieu surtout en hors campus
Voyager: A lieu autant sur le campus et en dehors
Expérience personnelle de vie sociale
Vie nocturne
Évaluation globale
Commentaire personnel
O'Cardinals is a very friendly bar where they are open to students and particularly like the exchange students coming over. RDC is a good place for a dance, but the bouncers can be quite "difficult".
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Stephen C
University of Wales Swansea, Swansea, Royaume-Uni
Langues étrangères, Licence, Erasmus
Type de logement: Appartement/maison
Organisé par: Indépendant - seul choix possible
Si j'y retournais je choisirais: Sur le campus
I would chose to live on campus because it would provide more opportunity to integrate with the home students.
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Evaluation personnelle
Commentaire personnel
I was not given a choice to be based on campus, and compared to British University housing systems I found them to be very unhelpful. In my view priority for housing should be related to the distance travelled to the university.
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Stephen C
University of Wales Swansea, Swansea, Royaume-Uni
Langues étrangères, Licence, Erasmus
Principale source de financement:
Autres sources de financement:
Opportunités d'emploi:
J'ai travaillé pendant mon séjour
Dépenses habituelles
Found myself taking more rmoney out from cash machines to cover the charge of withdrawal, and then I would just spend the cash. Generally just bad with finances though. Alot of things could've been alot cheaper if I was better with my finance.
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Logement, Général, Vie nocturne, Alimentation, Voyager, Téléphone:
Plus cher que chez moi
Accés au matériel scolaire
Livres d'occasion
Appareils d'occasion
Ordinateurs / internet
Démarches administratives
Retrait d'argent
Commentaire personnel
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Stephen C
University of Wales Swansea, Swansea, Royaume-Uni
Langues étrangères, Licence, Erasmus
Recommandations de cours
Look carefully at what you are signing up to and the level at which they begin.
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Mon exprérience académique
Qualité des cours
Catalogue de cours
Accès à différentes ressources
Intéraction avec les professeurs
Intéraction avec les étudiants étrangers
Intéraction avec les étudiants locaux
Commentaire personnel
Exam conditions are shockingly bad. I found it difficult to find anyone to help me figure out what i should be taking.
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Mon avis sur l'évaluation
Examens en fin de cours
Examens au cours du trimestre
Travaux et projets finaux
Travaux et projets pendant le cours
Évaluation globale
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Stephen C
University of Wales Swansea, Swansea, Royaume-Uni
Langues étrangères, Licence, Erasmus
Évaluation globale
Si j'avais su
The only thing is I wish I had been better informed of the housing situation.
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A mon avis:
La plupart ont aimé
Critères importants pour mon choix
(1) Aucune importance – (4) Très important
Raisons académiques
Vie universitaire
Vie sociale / Fête
Climat et emplacement
Recommandation personnelle
I would reccomend the area, the culture is very friendly and accomodating. The University however I felt was accademicaly unorganised. I would definately reccomend the area, particular if you're interested in winter sports as this is a prime location for carrying these out.
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Pendant mon expérience à l'étranger j'ai...
(1) Jaimais – (4) Très souvent
Appréhendé une autre culture
Accru mes compétences linguistiques
Rencontré des gens d'autres pays
Développé mon autonomie
Fait la fête
Vécu une transformation
Amélioré mes possibilités de carrière
Derniers commentaires
I had an amazing time, the key to having a good time is being outgoing, and independant. I would not have met so many wonderful people if I had not been both of these, and I know other people that had awful times, but in my opinion this was down to their lack of effort to integrate with the other students.
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Stephen C
University of Wales Swansea, Swansea, Royaume-Uni
Langues étrangères, Licence, Erasmus
Langues étrangères
Langue d'enseignement: Français
Apprendre le Français fut un élément important de la décision?
Oui, je voulais améliorer mon Français
Quels progrès en Français?
Mon niveau d'avant: Échanges quotidens (courses, déplacements...)
Mon niveau après: A l'aise dans la plupart des cas
Difficultés linguistiques
Évaluation globale
Commentaire personnel
Certainly improved whilst I was out there, but I found it difficult to integrate with the french students. I found myself speaking french with the other foreign students, but by doing this they would not correct my mistakes. Also they continually insisted that I help them learn my language rather than the local.
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