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Emploi > Entreprises > Opportunités chez SecurityScorecard 
New York City, United States
Organisation: Entreprise
Secteur: TIC / Informatique
Employés: 100+
Fondée en: 2013
Site corporatif
Informations entreprise

SecurityScorecard, founded in 2013, is a renowned cybersecurity company with its headquarters in New York City, USA. The company's pioneering product offering involves cybersecurity ratings and continuous risk monitoring solutions. These services are designed to help businesses identify, attribute, and manage third-party risk, underwrite cyber insurance policies, perform M&A due diligence, and ensure compliance with various cybersecurity regulations.

As of 2023, SecurityScorecard employs over 500 individuals and has successfully raised more than $290 million in funding, highlighting its steady growth and commitment to driving innovation in cybersecurity.

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