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Lavoro > Aziende > Opportunità in JTI - Japan Tobacco International 
JTI - Japan Tobacco International
Geneva, Switzerland
Organizzazione: Azienda
Settore: Agroalimentaria
Sito web aziendale
Informazione aziendale

JTI - Japan Tobacco International 日本たばこ産業 is the international tobacco division of Japan Tobacco,[3] a leading international tobacco product manufacturer. The company is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland and sells its brands in 120 countries.

As of 2018, JTI employs around 40,000 people around the world at 400 offices, 27 factories, five research & development centers and five tobacco processing facilities.[4]

Eddy Pirard is the President and CEO and Koji Shimayoshi is the Deputy CEO, Executive Vice President, Business Development & Corporate Strategy

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