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Interview Tips

Prepare | Perform | Wrap-Up
Concluding the Interview: Wrap it up!

When the interviewer indicates he or she is ready to wrap things up, be considerate of his or her time and do not attempt to lengthen the interview. If you decide you want the job, you must say this in a clear, convincing manner. Thank the interviewer for his or her time regardless of whether you thought the interview went well or poorly. If the interviewer does not tell you when you should expect to hear from them, ask him or her what the next step in the selection process is.

After the Interview: Keep in touch!

Take notes about what was discussed in the interview soon after its conclusion. Write a letter to the employer thanking him or her for the time and consideration you were given and adressing any questions or concerns that were raised during the interview. Be sure to reinforce your interest in the job and review the main reasons you are the right person for the position.

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