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Empleo > Empresas > Oportunidades en BAE Systems 
BAE Systems
Washington, United States
Organización: Empresa
Sector: Aeroespacial / Defensa
Empleados: 10000+
Fundada en: 1999
Web corporativa
Información corporativa

Founded in 1999, BAE Systems is a global leader in defense, security, and aerospace. With its headquarters located in London, United Kingdom, the company has established a reputation for delivering advanced technology and solutions to help safeguard nations and provide critical support to military and security forces.  BAE Systems boasted a significant workforce, with around 85,000 employees worldwide who were dedicated to pushing the boundaries of innovation in these critical sectors.

From a financial perspective, BAE Systems has demonstrated strong performances, with annual revenues often reaching multi-billion-dollar figures, underscoring their significance in the defense and aerospace industry. However, for precise recent financial data, you would need to consult their latest annual reports or financial publications.

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