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Empleo > Empresas > Oportunidades en BRICOFLOR 
Hochstr. 1042105 Wuppertal, Germany
Organización: Empresa
Sector: Comercio minorista
Empleados: 10+
Fundada en: 2013
Web corporativa
Información corporativa

BRICOFLOR is an online shop that deals primarily in the selling of flooring to the European market. Currently, there are nine individual BRICOFLOR shops online, with each website being custom designed and tailored made to operate in that specific countries’ market. BRICOFLOR is currently the one of the largest and most successful online shop for flooring in Germany, France, Austria, Belgium, Italy, Spain, in the Netherlands and the UK. 
In the past 12 months, we have begun trading in Poland, and are currently making strong headway into the Polish market. 
BRICOFLOR’s headquarters are located in Wuppertal, Germany. BRICOFLOR is made up of an international workforce, comprising of 30 employees: Germans, French, Italian, English and American.

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