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Empleo > Empresas > Oportunidades en Forrester Research 
Forrester Research
Rijnsburgstraat 9 /111059 AT Amsterdam, Netherlands
Organización: Empresa
Sector: TIC / Informática
Empleados: 1000+
Web corporativa
Información corporativa

Amsterdam, the Netherlands Forrester Research:
A global research and advisory firm, Forrester serves professionals in 17 key roles across three distinct client segments. Our clients face progressively complex business and technology decisions every day. To help them understand, strategize, and act upon opportunities brought by change, Forrester provides proprietary research, consumer and business data, custom consulting, events and online communities, and peer-to-peer executive programs. We guide leaders in IT, marketing and strategy, and the technology industry through independent fact-based insight, ensuring their business success today and tomorrow.

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