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Emploi > Entreprises > Opportunités chez Golden Goose 
Golden Goose
Milan, Italy
Organisation: Entreprise
Secteur: Biens de Luxe
Employés: 1000+
Fondée en: 2000
Site corporatif
Informations entreprise

Italian luxury fashion brand known for distinctive footwear.

Golden Goose, established in 2000, is a Venice-based luxury fashion brand renowned for its unique and instantly recognizable footwear, as well as its ready-to-wear apparel and accessories. The company's designs, characterized by artisanal craftsmanship and a deliberately distressed aesthetic, have gained a cult following among fashion enthusiasts worldwide. While the exact number of employees is not public, the brand has experienced significant growth since its acquisition by Permira, a private equity firm, in 2017.

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