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Emploi > Entreprises > Opportunités chez spectrum 
Stamford, United States
Organisation: Entreprise
Secteur: Télécommunications
Employés: 10000+
Fondée en: 2014
Site corporatif
Informations entreprise

Spectrum, or Charter Spectrum, is a brand of Charter Communications, an American telecommunications and mass media company. Founded in 1993 and rebranded as Spectrum in 2014, the company's headquarters are located in Stamford, Connecticut. As of 2023, it employs approximately 95,000 people.

Spectrum provides a wide range of services including cable television, broadband internet, VoIP phone, and home security. Spectrum serves over 30 million customers in 41 states, making it the second-largest cable operator in the U.S. In 2022, Charter Communications reported a revenue of $48.1 billion.

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