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Opiniones de Ailola Buenos Aires Spanish School

Ailola Buenos Aires is locally owned and operated, and has an enthusiastic team of professionals on hand to provide top-notch language learning services. Ailola Buenos Aires might just have the best location of a Spanish school in Argentina! You'll find the school on level 3, in office #10, in the captivating Palacio Barolo. Once the tallest building in the city, this pristine historic palace located at 1370 Avenida de Mayo was modeled on the cosmology explained in Dante's Divine Comedy – there's a purgatory, a heaven and a hell. But don't be scared – it's just one of the many unique design concepts common in local architecture!
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Idiomas: Español
Teléfono: +54-11-4383-7706
Dirección: Av. de Mayo 1370, Buenos Aires, Argentina
4 opiniones
4.00 / 5 sobre 4 opiniones
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Rome, Italia
Curso: 10 semanas, 12 horas por semana, alojamiemnto en familia, Mayo 2015
Valoración global
Quando ho deciso di voler imparare lo spagnolo, inizialmente pensavo di voler andare in Spagna, ma poi ho trovato questa scuola online e mi sono informato. Così sono partito per Buenos Aires. Una città favolosa, bellissima. Lo staff della scuola è molto gentile e premuroso. Mi hanno trovato una famiglia che mi ha accolto, anche loro molto gentili e cordiali. Seguivo le lezioni di spagnolo 3 ore al giorno per 4 giorni la settimana. Già dalla prima settimana, riuscivo a capire molto bene le conversazioni che facevamo con la famiglia ospitante. Gli insegnanti sono stati dei veri professionisti ed il metodo che hanno utilizzato è stato nuovo per me, ma veramente efficiente. Non penso di aver trovato nulla di negativo in questa favolosa esperienza che ho fatto in Argentina. In classe si discuteva di tutto, abbiamo affrontato ogni situazione della vita quotidiana, dal lavoro, al viaggiare, al cibo. Inoltre il materiale didattico fornito è molto valido, ed ho continuato ad usarlo anche dopo il corso. Inoltre i professori seguivano ogni singolo alunno, anche fuori il corso. in caso di dubbi. Inoltre mi hanno fatto ospitare da questa famiglia argentina che mi ha accolto subito a braccia aperte. Avevo le mie libertà, ed anche con loro mi esercitavo a parlare ed imparare. Ho studiato altre lingue a scuola in Italia, ma le capacità che ho acquisito in questa scuola, e soprattutto la velocità con cui le ho acquisite, non ha paragoni. Consiglio a tutti coloro che vogliono fare un'esperienza diversa, oltreoceano, di tenere ben conto di questa possibilità, con questa scuola, perché io mi sono trovato veramente benissimo e lo rifarei ancora.
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Mi progreso
A favor
Il metodo d'insegnamento, la professionalità dei docenti, la famiglia che mi ha ospitato.
En contra
Per quanto riguarda la mia esperienza, è andato tutto benissimo.
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Curso: 5 semanas, 20 horas por semana, residencia, Agosto 2015
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From my first Spanish class on I felt very confident at this school. I visited 3 Spanish schools (in Argentina, Costa Rica and Spain) so far and this one in Buenos Aires was by far the best. The group lessons start each Monday. I arrived on Monday afternoon because I found a good deal for the flight. It was no issue to start my lessons on Tuesday for 5 weeks.

While I was used more to larger classes at University and learning the grammar, it was a great experience to finally speak a lot of Spanish. Actually in the group of my level (B2) there have been just 3 other students. So overall the 5 weeks have been pretty intensive and I learnt a lot. What I heard is that less students come to Argentina because of the economic situation of Argentina but that wasn't an issue at all.

I like very much the pronunciation of the "porteños", the people living in Buenos Aires. It's very special I got pretty fast used to it.

I stayed in a student residence that was arranged by the school. It was cheaper than the host families and I liked it more because you are more independent and have the chance to meet with Argentinean students. On the weekends I often undertook something with my co-mates.

Ailola Buenos Aires organized also several activities like visit to a real La Boca soccer match, a guided city tours, dancing lessons, going to bars and restaurants and so on. I must say that I liked very much the variating activities. Some places I wouldn't have found by myself.

Overall a great school in Buenos Aires. Keep on!!!
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Mi progreso
A favor
Excellent teachers, nice location, great variety of activities
En contra
I don't have any critiques.
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Curso: 8 semanas, 20 horas por semana, Mayo 2016
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I was really satisfied with my decision to study Spanish at Ailola Buenos Aires. It is located in one of the most impressive buildings in Buenos Aires, Palacio Barolo. The office staff did an incredible job at making you feel welcome. They assisted me in a lot of things and helped me to get the most out of my stay. Also the teachers did an incredible job und finally I can use the subjuntivo correctly. They always tried to align my classes with my personal interests. I can highly recommend this school to anyone who thinks about learning Spanish in Buenos Aires.
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Mi progreso
A favor
location, learning material, personal assistance, afternoon activities,
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Buenos Aires, Argentina
Curso: 2 semanas, 20 horas por semana, Junio 2016
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This school is terrible. Once you pay they forget about you. I thought I was going to have a great experience but this was not a good experience at all. My friends chose El Pasaje in Buenos Aires and were super happy. I was the only one choosing wrong. I do NOT recommend the Ailola Spanish School in Buenos Aires.
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Mi progreso
A favor
En contra
A bad experience