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Empleo > Empresas > Oportunidades en A2A Life Company 
A2A Life Company
Milan, Italy
Organización: Empresa
Sector: Agricultura / Forestal / Medio ambiente
Empleados: 10000+
Fundada en: 2008
Web corporativa
Información corporativa

A2A Life Company is an Italian utilities and environmental services company. Founded in 2008, the company is headquartered in Milan, Italy, and has become a key player in the industry. With a workforce of approximately 12,000 employees, A2A Life Company is dedicated to providing essential services to communities and businesses.

A2A Life Company focuses on delivering sustainable solutions in the fields of energy, water, waste management, and environmental services. They strive to promote efficient resource management, reduce environmental impact, and contribute to the well-being of the regions they serve.

As an industry leader, A2A Life Company has demonstrated a commitment to innovation, investing in renewable energy sources, and implementing cutting-edge technologies to improve efficiency and sustainability.

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