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Empleo > Empresas > Oportunidades en IRent Electric 
IRent Electric
Carrer Doctor Aiguader 9-1108003 Barcelona, Spain
Organización: Empresa
Sector: Turismo / Hotelería
Empleados: 10+
Fundada en: 2011
Web corporativa
Información corporativa

We are a company that is specialized in electric vehicles! We rent and sell here in Barcelona electric scooters, electric bicycles and electric Twizy cars! 
100% ECO - 200% Friendly. With ECO being the main word in our lexicon, we strive at providing the best-quality product and services to everyone who shares the concept of transportation sustainability. Striving for creating the happiest customers, we never afford to take any of them for granted. In terms of quality, we believe in excellence. And it is our customers who have always been guiding us. 
As we are growing and growing we love to share our experience with fresh and young people who would love to be a part of this new concept here in Barcelona! If you are looking for the right combination of young, growing, design and a great time here in Barcelona!! than this is the internship that you are looking for!

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