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Emploi > Entreprises > Opportunités chez European Bartender School 
European Bartender School
Barcelona, Spain
Organisation: Entreprise
Secteur: Éducation
Employés: 10+
Fondée en: 1999
Site corporatif
Informations entreprise

Who We Are

European Bartender School is the market leader in the bartending industry. Our mission is to educate exceptional bartenders from all over the world; making the world taste better, one cocktail at a time. With three global offices and a dedicated team of professionals, we have trained over 50,000 bartenders from across the globe in the past 16 years. 

As part of our marketing efforts, we maintain more than 15 websites and a variety of social media channels across all of our markets. Our communication is key, our target demographic young, fun and always more than willing to engage with the right material. 

We’re giving you the chance to make your mark on our marketing department and help us impact the globe by making the world taste better. 

Got what it takes? Read on…

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