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Emploi > Entreprises > Opportunités chez Heura 
Barcelona, Spain
Organisation: Entreprise
Secteur: Agroalimentaire / Tabac
Employés: 100+
Fondée en: 2017
Site corporatif
Informations entreprise

We exist to boost nonconformism and empower people to change the food system into a sustainable one, protecting what we ❤️ the most: the animals, people’ health, our planet and our culinary heritage.

Heura is a plant-based startup from Barcelona founded by Marc Coloma and Bernat Añaños in April 2017. Heura was born to bring a solution that will leave the current food system obsolete and accelerate the shift to a world where the animals are out of the meat production equation.

Our Mediterranean culinary heritage is reflected on their products: short label, high nutritional facts and taste.

Meat & Planet lovers.

Proudly Mediterranean 🌿🌊☀️

Founded in 2017
Coworkers +100

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