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Emploi > Entreprises > Opportunités chez Veja 
Paris, France
Organisation: Entreprise
Secteur: Biens de Luxe
Employés: 100+
Fondée en: 2005
Site corporatif
Informations entreprise

Sustainable and ethically-made footwear brand.

Veja, founded in 2005 by Sébastien Kopp and François-Ghislain Morillion, is a Paris-based footwear brand known for its commitment to sustainability and ethical production practices. The company's sneakers are made using environmentally-friendly materials, such as organic cotton, wild rubber from the Amazon, and recycled plastic bottles, and are produced in fair trade conditions in Brazil and France. Veja has experienced significant growth in recent years, with revenues of €75 million in 2020 and a team of over 100 employees.

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