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Arbeit > Unternehmen > Stellenangebote bei Availpro 
Paris, France
Organisation: Geschäft
Bereich: Tourismus / Gastgewerbe
Mitarbeiter: 100+
Gegründet im Jahre: 2001

Founded in 2001, Availpro is a leading technology provider to the global hospitality industry. Its mission aims at contributing to the hoteliers' growth by increasing their online distribution, whether through direct room selling on their own website or other digital channels. 
Availpro stands at the center of the hospitality ecosystem. More than 6500 properties in 89 countries benefit from a range of innovative products helping them increasing their occupancy and revenue. In parallel, Availpro has established strategic connections with more than 300 partners worldwide. 
With 16 offices in Europe, Availpro differentiates with onsite local teams and a dedicated customer service. The global expansion is supported with a multilingual dashboard and a booking engine available in more than 25 languages.
In 2016, Availpro contributed to the global travel growth by generating more than €3.5 billion in hotel room booking revenue.

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