“Business improvement. Corpo...”
Pranav R - Business Operations
22 wochen in 2022
It was an overall enriching experience to be part of an organisation that values everyone regardless of colour, race, origin.
I had the opportunity to study, plan and direct a corporate film for the business. Morover gained insights into the supply function of the aircraft parts.
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Vorteile: excellent learnings, equal opportunities, good rewards,
Nachteile: minimum growth, innovative prospects. information highly secured to share
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“Alternance au service quali...”
Kael M - Ingénieur Qualité et Performance
100 wochen in 2020
Très bonne entreprise qui permet de progresser sur tout un tas de compétences. Bonne mobilité interne et souci de l'évolution des salariés (pour mon service en tout cas)
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Vorteile: Mobilité, avantages
Nachteile: Je ne sais pas
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