“Great introduction into hum...”
Paul S - Junior Training Consultant
8 wochen in 2021
The Company Group was a great experience to me. Working for such a big company changed my perspective over management and business entrepreneurship. Every day having to complete my common routine, and also encountering new problems and learning how to solve them. The team was the best part of the internship. The staff was always helping me if anything unclear, and the managers were always listening to me and giving me insights on the bigger managerial problems.
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Vorteile: The staff
Nachteile: Routine work
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“Belle experience”
Natalia B - Strategic Planning Intern
16 wochen in 2021
L'experience était enrichissante et intéressante.
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Vorteile: Travail d'équipe
Nachteile: Quelques parties des locaux
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