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Arbeit > Unternehmen > Stellenangebote bei National Australia Bank 
National Australia Bank
Melbourne, Australia,
Organisation: Geschäft
Bereich: Banken / Finanzen
Mitarbeiter: 10000+
Gegründet im Jahre: 1981

National Australia Bank (NAB) is a major banking institution that provides a wide range of financial services to individuals, businesses, and institutions. It was founded in 1981 and has its headquarters in Melbourne, Australia. NAB operates both domestically and internationally, offering services such as retail banking, corporate banking, wealth management, and investment banking.

NAB has a substantial workforce of over 10,000 employees dedicated to serving their customers and managing their banking operations. The company has a revenue of aproximately 17.26 billion AUD. For the most up-to-date information, it is recommended to visit their official website or refer to the latest reports.

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