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Emploi > Entreprises > Opportunités chez Hyundai Motors 
Hyundai Motors
Séoul, Korea, South
Organisation: Entreprise
Secteur: Automobile
Employés: 10000+
Fondée en: 1967
Site corporatif
Informations entreprise

Hyundai, founded in 1967, is a multinational automotive company headquartered in Seoul, South Korea. With a commitment to innovation, Hyundai has emerged as one of the leading global automobile manufacturers. The company operates in various segments of the automotive industry, including the production and sale of passenger cars, commercial vehicles, and related parts and accessories.

With a workforce of over 120,000 employees worldwide, Hyundai has established a strong presence in numerous countries, manufacturing and distributing vehicles to markets across the globe. The company's dedication to quality and technological advancements has earned it a reputation for producing reliable and stylish vehicles.

In terms of financial performance, Hyundai has consistently achieved significant milestones. As of the latest available data, the company reported revenues of approximately $91.8 billion USD. Hyundai's strong financial performance can be attributed to its robust product portfolio, strategic partnerships, and effective market expansion efforts.

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