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Emploi > Entreprises > Opportunités chez SNM - Style Net Media GmbH 
SNM - Style Net Media GmbH
Große Reichenstraße 2720457 Hamburg, Germany
Organisation: Entreprise
Secteur: Internet / Nouveaux Médias
Employés: 10+
Fondée en: 2014
Site corporatif
Informations entreprise

StyleLounge’s ( mission is to become the leading search engine for fashion in Europe. Founded in 2014 by a group of experienced entrepreneurs and investors, it is the first functioning price comparison platform that has offers from over 100 online retailers. The key to this technology is our self-developed matching algorithm that has allowed us to structure and assign over a million products.
Since our launch in the beginning of 2015, StyleLounge has experienced enormous growth. Currently, we have about 50 employees that are working on five successfully launched European markets and our soon-to-be-launched markets that will be following in 2016 and 2017.

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