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Arbeit > Unternehmen > Stellenangebote bei Foodcheri 
Paris, France
Organisation: Geschäft
Bereich: Lebensmittel / Getränke / Tabakwaren
Mitarbeiter: 10+
Gegründet im Jahre: 2015

FoodChéri is an innovative virtual restaurant started in Paris in april 2015 by former LaFourchette execs.

Eating good and balanced dinners during the week has always been complicated for busy professionals. FoodChéri aspires to solve this problem with daily fresh and delicious meals offered at 9.90€, delivered under 20 minutes through its iOS and Androïd apps.

FoodChéri operates from its own large central kitchen with its own culinary team and chefs. It integrates the entire value chain from meal prep to delivery in order to deliver a unique user experience and lower prices.

FoodChéri now serves thousands of Parisians and will soon roll out its model to other European cities.

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