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Arbeit > Unternehmen > Stellenangebote bei Mercadona 
Valencia, Spain
Organisation: Geschäft
Bereich: Verbrauchsgüter
Mitarbeiter: 10000+
Gegründet im Jahre: 1977

Mercadona is a Spanish family-owned supermarket chain. Francisco Roig Ballester and his wife, Trinidad Alfonso Mocholi, founded the company in 1977, which began as a small butcher shop in Valencia. Juan Roig assumed the role of CEO in 1981 and the company has since expanded nationwide. In the 1990s, Juan Roig oversaw a series of changes companywide and revealed the new façade of Mercadona which was able to compete with its French competitor Carrefour and the co-operative Eroski. Mercadona has locations in 46 provinces of 17 autonomous communities.

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