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Empleo > Empresas > Oportunidades en Fyber GmbH 
Fyber GmbH
Johannisstrasse 2010117 Berlin, Germany
Organización: Empresa
Sector: Internet / Nuevos Medios
Empleados: 100+
Fundada en: 2009
Web corporativa
Información corporativa

Fyber (formerly SponsorPay) is a leading advertising technology company that empowers app developers to execute smart ad monetization strategies across all connected devices through a unified mobile supply side platform.

Fyber reaches over 100 million unique users per month and works with thousands of the world’s leading developers, publishers and advertisers who use the platform to integrate, manage and optimize their mobile ad revenues. Adopted globally by publishers like GREE, Glu Mobile, Zynga, Cie Games, and more, Fyber offers an open approach so that they can easily access hundreds of demand sources and ad networks (i.e. Facebook Audience Network, Google AdMob, Apple iAd, AdColony, InMobi, etc.). In an era when 90% of all apps in the Apple App Store are free, our solutions are crucial for publishers that need a solid mobile advertising strategy to increase their revenue.

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