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Emploi > Entreprises > Opportunités chez Amgen 
Thousand Oaks, United States
Organisation: Entreprise
Secteur: Santé
Employés: 10000+
Fondée en: 1980
Site corporatif
Informations entreprise

Founded in 1980, Amgen is a global biotechnology company with a steadfast commitment to advancing science and using biotechnology to create transformative medicines. Headquartered in Thousand Oaks, California, Amgen has been a driving force in the development of innovative treatments for a range of serious diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and autoimmune disorders. Amgen had a dedicated workforce of over 23,000 employees worldwide, each contributing to the company's mission of improving human health.

Financially, Amgen has consistently exhibited strong performance in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry, often reporting significant revenues and investments in research and development.

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