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Arbeit > Unternehmen > Stellenangebote bei Babylon Health - eMed 
Babylon Health - eMed
London, United Kingdom
Organisation: Geschäft
Bereich: Gesundheit
Mitarbeiter: 1000+
Gegründet im Jahre: 2013

Our mission is to democratise healthcare through our market-leading digital-first primary care service and chronic healthcare management solutions. Whether through our private 24/7 primary care service, or GP at Hand, the largest UK GP practice as part of the NHS family,  or our partnerships with companies like Bupa, we give our members a better way to access the care they need, from wherever they are. 
Digital First Primary Care

Our healthcare service offers 24/7 primary care with quick access to specialists with a range of expertise, including GPs, nurses, pharmacists, physios and mental health practitioners. We provide market-leading virtual appointment availability.

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