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Lavoro > Aziende > Opportunità in AXA 
Paris, France
Organizzazione: Azienda
Settore: Assicurazione
Dipendenti: 10000+
Sito web aziendale
Informazione aziendale

Axa S.A. (styled as AXA or GIG in the Middle East) is a French multinational insurance company. The head office is in the 8th arrondissement of Paris, France. It also provides investment management and other financial services.

The Axa Group operates primarily in Western Europe, North America, the India Pacific region and the Middle East, with a presence also in Africa. Axa is a conglomerate of independently run businesses, operated according to the laws and regulations of many countries. It is a component of the Euro Stoxx 50 stock market index.

Stage e lavori presso AXA
1 – 8 di 538
AXA | Wroclaw | Stage, Assicurazione, Inglese
“We are currently looking for eager and passionate candidates to join our growing family! ...
AXA | Colonia | Stage, Medicina, Tedesco
“* Agiles und internationales Arbeitsumfeld, z. B. vernetzte Zusammenarbeit in crossfunktionalen Teams ...
AXA | Colonia | Stage, Istruzione, Tedesco
“* Sei Teil eines hochmotivierten, hilfsbereiten und vielfältigen Teams, das dich von Tag 1 an als vollwertiges...
AXA | Germania | Stage, Media Digitali, Tedesco
“Du arbeitest agil in einem coolen, jungen Team am Standort Köln, mit der Möglichkeit auch aus dem Home-Office ...
AXA | Parigi | Stage, Finanza, Inglese
“We pride ourselves on fostering a culture of high performance, which means we seek to recruit and retain peopl...
AXA | Parigi | Stage, Medicina, Francese, Inglese
“C'est autour de la diversité et de l'unité que se construit AXA, c'est pourquoi nous nous engageons à promouvo...
AXA | Colonia | Stage, Logistica, Tedesco
“* Unterstützung bei der Archivierung * Mitarbeit an Projekten ...
AXA | Bruxelles | Stage, Governo, Olandese, Inglese
“* Een extern perspectief bieden door het analyseren van onze operationele processen. ...
1 – 8 di 538
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