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Technische Universität Graz (TUG)

Languages Reviews
4.05 / 5 based on 58 reviews
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Maximo M
Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain
Engineering, Electrical, Graduate, University Agreement
Language of instruction: English
Local language was: Different than language of instruction
Was learning English a key decision factor?
No, it wasn't.
Was learning the local language a key decision factor?
Yes, I wanted to improve my the local language
How much did you improve your the local language?
My level before: Basic phrases
My level after: Everyday knowledge (shopping, directions, etc.)
Language difficulties
Administrative / Institutional
Personal comments
The most used in coloquial spoken is a german dialect a little bit differnt from the right german so the possibility of learning or improving is concentred in the languages courses
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Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain
Engineering, Civil, Undergraduate, Erasmus
Language of instruction: German
Was learning German a key decision factor?
Yes, I wanted to improve my German
How much did you improve your German?
My level before: Basic phrases
My level after: No problems in any areas (including slang)
Language difficulties
Administrative / Institutional
Personal comments
was good
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José A
Universidad de Huelva, Huelva, Spain
Computer Science / IT, Undergraduate, Erasmus
Language of instruction: German
Local language was: Different than language of instruction
Was learning German a key decision factor?
Yes, I wanted to improve my German
Was learning the local language a key decision factor?
Yes, I wanted to improve my the local language
How much did you improve your German?
My level before: At ease in most situations
My level after: No problems in any areas (including slang)
How much did you improve your the local language?
My level before: Did not speak it
My level after: At ease in most situations
Language difficulties
Administrative / Institutional
Personal comments
I improved my english knowledge and i learnt much deutsch.
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7 – 9 of 9