Don´t expect too much from the courses (although I heard that business classes are quiet good at the University Nova and there are the better equipped Biblioteca Nacional and Gulbenkian-Foundation). People, life and culture are really interesting and not to be missed!
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During my experience abroad, I ... (1) Never – (4) A lot
The translation course will give you skills to translate in the languages you choose in areas such as social human sciences, technical/scientific, literary and business. It is a very broad course allowing you to have develop full technical and theoretical skills in languages and culture.
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Very good environment
Useful | 0
“Universidade Nova de Lisboa”
Diego E
Portugal, Undergraduate Language, 2017
The translation course will give you skills to translate in the languages you choose in areas such as social human sciences, technical/scientific, literary and business. It is a very broad course allowing you to have develop full technical and theoretical skills in languages and culture.
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Very good environment
Useful | 0
“Universidade Nova de Lisboa”
Diego E
Portugal, Undergraduate Language, 2017
The translation course will give you skills to translate in the languages you choose in areas such as social human sciences, technical/scientific, literary and business. It is a very broad course allowing you to have develop full technical and theoretical skills in languages and culture.