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Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)

148 avis
3.66 / 5 sur 148 avis
Utile  |  5
University of Buea, Buea, Cameroun
Écologie, Master, Accord universitaire
Recommandations de cours
Courses should maybe be more subject titile related and more professional oriented. This is because when one hears of an International course programme, one expects to fine every aspect of professionality in it and not more of general knowledge.
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Mon exprérience académique
Qualité des cours
Catalogue de cours
Accès à différentes ressources
Intéraction avec les professeurs
Intéraction avec les étudiants étrangers
Intéraction avec les étudiants locaux
Commentaire personnel
The academic life was ok to an extend but for the fact that some teachers to my opinion would serve better in offices and as researchers than teach in classrooms. In selecting teachers, consideration should be taken about their communication skills. Also of importance is the fact that some teachers are too distant from their students.
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Mon avis sur l'évaluation
Examens en fin de cours
Examens au cours du trimestre
Travaux et projets finaux
Travaux et projets pendant le cours
Évaluation globale
Utile  |  0
University of Buea, Buea, Cameroun
Écologie, Master, Accord universitaire
Langues étrangères
Langue d'enseignement: Anglais
Apprendre le Anglais fut un élément important de la décision?
Non, pas vraiment.
Difficultés linguistiques
Évaluation globale
Commentaire personnel
In this area, I did not have so many problems since my University was in Brussels where most people could either speak French or English which are languages inb which I could communicate. Furthermore, my courses were in English. The only problem was with the library fascilities in the main Campus. Most of the very important literature is in Flemish thereby hindering effective access to them.
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Utile  |  9
University of Buea, Buea, Cameroun
Écologie, Master, Accord universitaire
Évaluation globale
Si j'avais su
I wish I had learned the basics in Flemish.
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A mon avis:
J'ai aimé mais pas sûr que c'est pour tous
Critères importants pour mon choix
(1) Aucune importance – (4) Très important
Raisons académiques
Vie universitaire
Vie sociale / Fête
Climat et emplacement
Recommandation personnelle
The University should try to assist more in foreign student housing. Also if the University could arrange for Flemish language intergration courses to be included in the curriculum. Finally more communicative atmosphere be promoted between visiting students and host country students.
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Pendant mon expérience à l'étranger j'ai...
(1) Jaimais – (4) Très souvent
Appréhendé une autre culture
Accru mes compétences linguistiques
Rencontré des gens d'autres pays
Développé mon autonomie
Fait la fête
Vécu une transformation
Amélioré mes possibilités de carrière
Derniers commentaires
I would like to say that my overall experience as a student at teh VUB was not bad, I made a series of good friends and had some really interesting courses too. My advice to new commers is that they should be adequiately prepared to start in a new culture. For the organisers of the different courses, it will be very interesting to that students do more of practivcal work than theory as most student have the visions of getting to learn more about what they had always known from lectures back in developing countries. Every course should be met by organisation of trips and visits to sites, factories, Industries, Laboratories if the need be.
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Utile  |  0
University of Buea, Buea, Cameroun
Écologie, Master, Accord universitaire
Principale source de financement:
Autres sources de financement:
Opportunités d'emploi:
Je n'avais pas le droit de travailler
Dépenses habituelles
Because of the cost associated with each category. Most of these items are ver cheap home while here they are pretty expensive
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Téléphone, Logement, Voyager, Alimentation, Général:
Plus cher que chez moi
Vie nocturne:
Moins cher que chez moi
Accés au matériel scolaire
Livres d'occasion
Appareils d'occasion
Ordinateurs / internet
Démarches administratives
Retrait d'argent
Commentaire personnel
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Utile  |  2
University of Buea, Buea, Cameroun
Écologie, Master, Accord universitaire
Type de logement: Sur le campus
Organisé par: Université d'accueil
Si j'y retournais je choisirais: Sur le campus
The environment was good, quite and clean
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Evaluation personnelle
Commentaire personnel
For my Campus, I think the housing arrangements were really good. The was no over crouding in the kitchen area as is the case with other commonly shared fascilities. The only problems which I encountered concerned cultural difference like Europeans smoking in the kitchen while it was considered not right in my own culture.
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Utile  |  0
University of Buea, Buea, Cameroun
Écologie, Master, Accord universitaire
Vie étudiante
Description de la ville:
Autant sur le campus qu'à l'extérieur
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Vie nocturne: A lieu surtout en hors campus
Voyager, Activités: A lieu autant sur le campus et en dehors
Expérience personnelle de vie sociale
Vie nocturne
Évaluation globale
Commentaire personnel
I did not have any favorite night spots. I use to go where ever my friends invited me considering the fact that I was a stranger in the land. Some socila activities were frequently organised by the social services which I found sometimes boring given that only the foreign students often took part, no real social interaction and exchange of ideas with the host students. The events I use to attend the international dance parties organised by Fostis
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