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Lavoro > Aziende > Opportunità in Dayuse 
Paris, France
Organizzazione: Azienda
Settore: Turismo / Albergo
Fondata nel: 2010
Sito web aziendale
Informazione aziendale is the first site to offer daytime hotel bookings.

Founded by David Lebée at the age of 29, along with his two partners Eugénie Lebée and Thibaud D’Agrèves, saw the day in 2010. Working as director within large Parisian hotel groups at the time, David Lebée was often asked about daytime bookings. Guests wished to book a room for just a few hours, but traditional structures never had an appropriate service to offer. was created to suit this exact need.

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101.995 lavori e stage
in 152 Paesi