79 reviews
4.08 / 5 based on 79 reviews

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“War von praktischer Relevanz”
Laura K
Germany, Graduate
Business Studies, 2020
Hat mir gut gefallen
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Vorlesungen waren fachlich gut gehalten

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gianluigi a
economia del turismo, rimini-(sezione distaccata di bologna), Italy
Hospitality, Catering / Hotel Management, Graduate, Erasmus
Language of instruction: German
Was learning German a key decision factor?
Yes, I wanted to improve my German
How much did you improve your German?
My level before: Did not speak it
My level after: Everyday knowledge (shopping, directions, etc.)
Language difficulties
Administrative / Institutional
Personal comments
before it wasn't so good because i didn't know german and i stayed always with erasmus student but then with a little bit of study and wieth the interaction with local student i learned to speak the language
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Useful |
devina p
Type of housing: A room exchange
Arranged by: Host university
If returning, I would choose: With a family
Even though living in a student housing was a great experience, I think for a more indepth cultural experience. Living with a family forces you to abide by their rules/customs and hence helps you understand the jump deeper into the culture.
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Personal comments
Housing was perfect as we lived in a dorm with international students and German students. This gave us the chance to interact with students from all over the world. Also, the housing was at a very convienient location.
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Course recommendations
It's quite difficult at the beginning to learn both a new language and a new course. But it's in fact very benificial to improve our language and then understand new topics.
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My academic experiences
Interaction with teachers
Interaction with international students
Interaction with local students
My opinion of the university assessment
Exams throughout the course
Essays and/or projects at the end of course
Essays and/or projects throughout the course

Useful |
Type of housing: Apartment/House
Arranged by: Independently - My choice
If returning, I would choose: On campus
It's better to meet other students. However, I tried to meet them, and to make activities as often as possible.
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Personal comments
The University is in the center of Munich. All the facilities ( computers, rooms) are quite new. The professors were also very interesting and patient with foreign students. Moreover, I learnt a lot about Information System with lectures like : SAP, Network, Operating Systems, or Project Management.
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Useful |
Baljeeta D
Language of instruction: German
Was learning German a key decision factor?
Yes, I wanted to improve my German
How much did you improve your German?
My level before: Basic phrases
My level after: At ease in most situations
Language difficulties
Administrative / Institutional
Personal comments
The best way to learn a language is to live in that country. I initially was afraid to speak german - english gets you by almost anywhere - but then once I got used to making mistakes and speaking german, I found a huge difference in the quality of my stay in Munich. It has given me more confidence in myself and i don't think twice of having to relocate myself around the world.
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