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Opiniones de Nationale Hogeschool voor Toerisme en Verkeer (NHTV)

49 opiniones
3.95 / 5 sobre 49 opiniones
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Tourism Management is fun yet it lacks
Valeri D
Holanda, Grado
, 2018
Valoración global
Overall, happy I did my degree here. Had lots of fun, some great teachers and learned a lot. Great campus nowadays with lots of open spaces and nice community. 
The reason I give 4 stars is that sometimes international students can be a bit overlooked by teachers and administration, like for example teachers speaking and explaining in Dutch when they can't in English which shouldn't be the case for such an institution. 
I also felt some courses were a bit useless and were put there just to fill up the curriculum, but the to be honest they update their programs every couple of years or so.
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A favor
Great campus, open community and some great teachers
En contra
Sometimes a bit unprofessional in regards to teachers, can be difficult for internationals at first
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Innovative and creative
Daan M
Holanda, Grado
Management, 2020
Valoración global
A great school, with mostly tourism and creative studies.
English in its entirety, it is very easy to go around as a foreign student.
Very innovative on teaching methods, maybe sometimes a bit too much.
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A favor
Creative atmosphere.
En contra
Too much free time.
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Fraudulent and abusive towards students
Letonia, Grado
, 2017
Valoración global
This university is a complete nightmare. They are treating students like their personal little assistants that need to everything that they tell them to. Whenever a student has a question, a request or criticism, they simply reply that the student should "act professionally". This is especially the case when they messed something up and now the student needs help. A good example is when they do not specify how a report needs to be handed, only to then punish if you did not do it the way they expected you to.
Also, they are very rude and unfriendly to foreign students. I have also experienced that girls get much better grades than boys.
The worst thing is getting a second opinion on an exam, project or report: they simply say there is no second opinion available and that you have to do the whole thing again. I spoke about this with a Dutch lawyer and she said that this was against the Dutch institution. Every student can hand in their work and ask for a second opinion.
Overall, the atmosphere is very toxic and negative and it seems that everything is about pleasing the staff. If you want to be successful, you need to appeal to them like a little pet dog.
Do not expect support or help from anyone. Also, the financial administration will not help you: they will not let you change your account details. I changed my account to a Dutch account(!), and they simply said that they will not change the registry. This meant that every month I was receiving a notice that said how my school access will be blocked if I do not pay. Not having access means to not be able to go to exams. And that just because I decided to choose a Dutch bank account.
Also, the local staff is very arrogant and not open for discussion. Everything they dont like, they will silence by telling you that you are being unprofessional.
If you are running into troubles with an internship company, they will side with the company so they do not have to appoint you a new supervisor, even though you might have the opportunity to change the company because you found a new one. They do this so they can leave for their well-deserved vacation and it also means that you are paying 6 additional months of study fees, which means a plus of 1200 Euros without them having to work for it.
The general slogan of this faculty is to only do what is in their best interest. And students are definitely not in their best interest.
I am telling you from experience that if you are interested in logistics, that you should go to Venlo or Rotterdam. This school is not a place to be for students.
You will not learn anything here, except maybe the bad English of the lecturers.
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A favor
none, except for the fact that you have multiple internships
En contra
Abusive towards students, especially foreigners,
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Gisela P
Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, España
Turismo, Grado, Erasmus
Valoración global
Recomendación personal
Get involve in everything they do for international students! You will have fun!
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Durante mi experiencia en el extranjero...
(1) Nunca – (4) Mucho
Me familiaricé con otra cultura
Mejoré mis idiomas
Conocí gente de otros países
Me hice más autónomo
Me lo pasé bien de fiesta
Me cambió la vida
Avancé en mis estudios y mi carrera
OPINIONES DE BECARIOS EN Nationale Hogeschool voor Toerisme en Verkeer
NHTV The Netherlands Institute of Tourism and Transport Studies is a medium-sized university of professional education specialising in logistics, physical planning, recreation, tourism, traffic management, and leisure studies. The Institute aims to be a centre of expertise and excellence in these disciplines. Apart from undergraduate and postgraduate higher education, NHTV designs and organises tailor-made commercial activities aimed at specific markets in the form of training, applied research, and consultancy.
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Teléfono: +31 76 530 22 03
Dirección: Netherlands Institute for Tourism and Transport Studies, Postbus 3931, 4800 Dx Breda, THE, Breda, Holanda
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Reino Unido
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Lunds Universitet (671 opiniones)