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Universität St. Gallen (UNIVERSITY OF ST. GALLEN) reviews

298 reviews
3.96 / 5 based on 298 reviews
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ISC - Budapest University of Economic Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
Management Science, Graduate, University Agreement
Personal recommendation
If someone is studing Finance it is a great place to go to. However they have been loosing some professors.
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During my experience abroad, I ...
(1) Never – (4) A lot
Became familiar with another culture
Improved language skills
Met people from other countries
Became more independent
Partied a lot
Experienced a change in life
Advanced my studies & career
Useful  |  6
Student s
Universität St. Gallen, Sankt Gallen, Switzerland
Economics, Graduate, Independent
Personal recommendation
University not serious, I should have gone to Zürich, administrative mistakes, poorly organised. Theoritical courses, difficult to apply, programmed supposed to be done in one year and a half, many students do it in 4 years, thus no difference between good and poor students
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During my experience abroad, I ...
(1) Never – (4) A lot
Became familiar with another culture
Improved language skills
Met people from other countries
Became more independent
Partied a lot
Experienced a change in life
Advanced my studies & career
Useful  |  5
Peter V
Washington & Lee University, Lexington, VA, United States
Business Studies, Undergraduate, Independent
Personal recommendation
I said most people loved it because most people did. I guess ignorance is bliss, because these kids don't know what they're missing in the USA. My first semester was quite an eye-opener. Not because of the normal occurrence of culture-shock (I've lived in Switzerland once before, for a year) or that I got to know so many people from different countries, but because I learned how DIFFERENT universities in Europe are than in America. Essentially, if you're a European student, you can ignore most of what I've said in this whole review; you'll probably love this place. However, if you're an American student, I'd think twice (and twice more, and twice more...) about choosing the University of St. Gallen.
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During my experience abroad, I ...
(1) Never – (4) A lot
Became familiar with another culture
Improved language skills
Met people from other countries
Became more independent
Partied a lot
Experienced a change in life
Advanced my studies & career
Useful  |  1
Meh, an okay experience but not worth it
United States, Graduate
, 2019
My overall international experience here was rather underwhelming. Have in mind that my experience is just one of the many at that university, so it's not completely damning of the place. 

Course quality was probably the most redeeming aspect of this university, as the education I found to be top tier. Courses were hard but lectures and teaching methods provided the necessary tools to pass them. Examination was a bit whacky specially because of the whole sign-up process, but it was fine. 

Saint Gallen as a whole is a cozy little city, with not that much to do, so it's up to the students to make the most our of their experience. International students have to mostly do this on their own since locals go to their hometowns on the weekends, so the city is rather empty when you have free time. The BuddySystem works to an extent, but most of the locals involved don't really take responsibility for their assigned students, so it's mostly the core members of the system that you get to meet. However, the events are the saving grace since it's where international students mingle. It's recommended to look for University clubs that interact with other universities (specially in Zurich). I found myself mostly just going to Zurich in the weekends for parties with the people I met out of uni, or traveling. 

Students at St.Gallen are okay I guess. Most kept to themselves as Swiss people do and that is completely fine. Only ran into a few elitists that were quickly dismissed, the rest of the people were nice I suppose. I only made one significant friendship with a local student from the university. The rest were international students (which made the whole experience bearable).

My biggest gripe with the University was housing. Avoid the housing office at all costs. There's a Facebook group where you can find cheap and nice housing in St.Gallen and it will forever haunt me that I did not use it. The housing office was the biggest reason my stay wasn't as pleasant, since the other problems I mentioned had solutions if you were up for it.
The housing office claims they find the most affordable and fair apartments for students. However, their rent prices are insane and not justified. Most people were absolutely dissatisfied with the housing office, since it was crazy expensive, small, and not even close to the University. 
When comparing costs with the people that used the Facebook group for housing, we found out just how much we had been ripped off. They were living in apartments 2-3x the size, at half our rent. And they didn't even have to pay the expensive upfront 250 USD fee that the housing office charges just for finding you an apartment (they charge fees for absolutely everything). 
You'd think that with these ridiculous prices and such, at least the apartments would be in good conditions. Mine for example, was an absolute mess upon arrival, to the point we complained about it. Things were broken, and they either took the longest time to fix them, or just straight up never did. 
The housing office just takes advantage of the international students in every way possible, and it was very upsetting. I haven't even mentioned half of the terrible things they did, but I think I've said enough to get my point across. Just avoid it.

In general, the University of St.Gallen is a decent international experience. But I don't think decent should be the word used to describe something as significant as an exchange semester. I'd suggest looking for other universities if you want a more exciting and worthwhile international experience (and cheaper).
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Quality education. Lots of international students make for a good cultural experience. Plenty of traveling options.
Small party scene. Housing office preys on the naivety of international students.
REVIEWS BY INTERNS AT Universität St. Gallen
The University of St. Gallen for Business Administration, Economics, Law and Social Sciences (HSG) was founded in 1898 as a business academy and enrolled its first students in 1899. The HSG, which became a «business university in 1911, continues to this day to pursue the goal " set at its foundation " of providing for its students a practice- oriented education. When, in 1963, it moved to new accommodation on the Rosenberg, it had some 1,000 students and 27 professors.
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Other names: HSG
Phone: +41 71 224 23 39
Address: University of St.Gallen, International Office, Dufourstrasse 50, CH-9000 St.Gallen, Sankt Gallen, Switzerland