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Univerzitet u Beogradu

Opiniones generales
3.93 / 5 sobre 51 opiniones
1 – 6 de 31
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Broad knowledgde in different areas
Aleksa L
Serbia, Posgrado
Ingeniería, Informática, 2022
Valoración global
University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering gives a broad knowledge in different engineering areas. I studied in Department of Software Engineering, and had a pleasure to study  different things a Software Engineer can encounter in future career. Professors tend to be very strict in essential courses, while not paying much criteria to non-mandatory courses. Some courses still use older technologies, but assistants are constantly working on switching to more modern things.
Some of biggest tech-companies(eg. Microsoft, Google, Nvidia etc.) are very much present, and students that show good knowledge can be easily connected to those.
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A favor
Broad knowledge
En contra
Older technologies
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Ýstanbul Ünýversýtesý, Istanbul, Turquía
Lenguas extranjeras, Grado, Independiente
Valoración global
Si lo hubiera sabido...
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En mi opinión:
Me gustó pero no necesariamente a todo el mundo.
Factores imporantes para mi elección
(1) Sin importancia – (4) Muy importante
Razones académicas
Vida universitaria
Vida social y fiesta
Clima y ubicación
Recomendación personal
If you're after an academic career, it isnt the right place. But if you're targeting to have some adventure, go for it.
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Durante mi experiencia en el extranjero...
(1) Nunca – (4) Mucho
Me familiaricé con otra cultura
Mejoré mis idiomas
Conocí gente de otros países
Me hice más autónomo
Me lo pasé bien de fiesta
Me cambió la vida
Avancé en mis estudios y mi carrera
Comentarios finales
Serbs are great people. The country is cheap, easy to cope with, and beautiful. If you're not after luxury, it's a great place to stay.
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University of Belgrade
Ivana P
Serbia, Posgrado
Farmácia, 2019
Valoración global
You have wide range of bachelor and masters program. Most of them are available in English and most foreign students will not have problem getting their position in Serbia. Grading scale is 5-10 (5 did not pass, 10 excellent). Most courses consist of practice part and theoretical part. Depending on your faculty you will have written and/or oral final exams. You have winter and summer semseter and most faculties have 5-6 exam terms.
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A favor
english language, good people, easy to manage programs
En contra
old school teaching, most courses are mandatory
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Hard work, but lots of options
Milica S
Rumania, Posgrado
, 2021
Valoración global
Fair level of education is offered, if you ask for more, there are professors that are willing to also act as mentors. Lots of politics involved, and a lot of students, which makes this slightly less pleasant place to study at. Still, if you graduate, it pays off as you can start  your career path in any industry you want.
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La oficina de carreras
Careers office wasn't the one helping me in finding internship - I did it with a help of one of the professors.
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A favor
Support from professors in your career if you manage to build relationships.
En contra
Way of work is quite outdated on certain subjects.
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ma capacité à travailler
jean-luc T
Serbia, Posgrado
Ingeniería, Civil, 2023
Valoración global
Travailleur,rigoureux et disponible ,c’est avec un
grand optimisme que j’ose clamer ma motivation
sans faille.Sociable et à l’écoute ,je saurai mener à
bien toutes les différentes missions qui me seront
confiées et m’adapterai à la situation en place. Je
m’intègre sans le moindre problème à une équipe
quelle qu’elle soit
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A favor
Travailleur ;rigoureux et disponible
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à propos de moi
Jovana M
Serbia, Grado
, 2015
Valoración global
Apres mon déménagement en France, je commençais à étudier la langue française dont  je suis tombé amoureuse. J'ai acquis mon savoir à la Sorbonne, à l’Alliance française et à l’école de Campus langues,  tous ça à Paris. Pendant cette période, je travaillais et j’ai habité dans la ville de lumière et de l’amour.
En ce moment, je me suis retournée en Serbie, et je suis en train de recherche un nouveau emploi.

Mon esprit analytique, ma flexibilité, ma capacité d’adaptation et mon côté visionnaire font sans doute un excellent candidat pour les différents postes. À chaque fois que j’entreprends un nouveau projet, je le considère comme un défi.
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A favor
Communicative, patiente, emphatique, sérieuse, avec un esprit ouvert au travail en équipe
En contra
je sais être dure envers moi-même, avec les grands expectations
1 – 6 de 31