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Lavoro > Aziende > Opportunità in Kellogg´s 
Michigan, United States
Organizzazione: Azienda
Settore: Agroalimentaria
Dipendenti: 10000+
Sito web aziendale
Informazione aziendale

Kellogg Company, with its global headquarters in Battle Creek, Michigan, USA, is the world's leading cereal company, and a major producer of convenience foods. It markets more than 1,500 products in over 180 countries all over the world. Founded in 1906, with a commitment to nutrition, Kellogg Company has always been focusing on its products and processes. Today, with more than 100 ready-to-eat cereals around the world, consumers count on Kellogg for providing great-tasting, convenient and healthy food choices that meet their nutrition needs.

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