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Excelia Business School reviews

173 reviews
4.09 / 5 based on 173 reviews
Useful  |  3
la rochelle business school
François L
France, Undergraduate
Business Studies, 2019
La Rochelle Business School is part of the Groupe Sup de Co La Rochelle. It was established in 1988 and is a French university-level institution of higher education. It is also one of France’s “Grandes Écoles”. The Management schools offers degree programmes on Bachelor and Master level. La Rochelle Business School is accredited by AACSB and EPAS for its Master in Management Grande École and BBA programmes. It was ranked amongst the best business schools worldwide by the “Financial Time”. Its well-structured and interesting courses prepare students for global careers in finance, marketing, communications, human resources and management. Per year, 3400 students attend courses at La Rochelle. During the Master Grande École programme, each student spends time abroad, on average 6 to 12 months at another university abroad. The school also offers specialized MBA programmes for example in Environment and Sustainable Development Strategy, Internationalisation and Audit/Consulting, just to name a few. International students are welcome, currently 600 foreign students from over 30 countries are enrolled. The school offers bilingual courses in French and English.
The institution trains its student to become versatile managers with the ability to work globally and a strong results-driven attitude.
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organisation that is really efficient during all year long
transport that can chaotic
Useful  |  2
Expérience humaine et riche en relationnelle.
LouisGabriel C
Marketing and Sales Management, 2023
J’ai pu accéder au programme BBA, en fin 2019. C’est un programme en 4 ans avec environ 2 ans à l’étranger. La vie étudiante fut le plus important. Un des atout de notre programme est que nous avons vécu plus de 1 an et demi à l’étranger. Toutes ces expériences ont été pour moi extrêmement bénéfique. De nature observateur, j’ai énormément appris sur autrui en général et je suis capable d’analyser une personnalité facilement. Durant ces qu’âtres années et meme avant cette école, j’ai toujours su m’entourer de bonnes personnes, qui ont toujours eu un impact positif sur ma vie. Les cours et stages furent également déterminant mais le coté social fut capital.
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L’école propose de nombreux stage via le réseau alumni. En 2020, début d’épidémie de covid, j’ai eu du mal à trouver un stage et j’ai donc pu participer à un projet de volontariat. Mon second stage fut trouvé grace a mon propre réseau.
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Développement personnel, humain
La quality de l’administration (nous sommes 2e BBA de France)
Useful  |  3
Great program with many international opportunities.
Taylor M
France, Undergraduate
Business Studies, 2023
The program offers a variety of course, from finance, to geopolitics. For the first two years you are assigned courses and you do not select them. The third year is abroad and in the final year you have to specialise in a certain area (finance, sales management...). Regarding the courses, I do feel like there is sometimes a lack of professionalism and respect from certain professors in their way of teaching, however overall the content is interesting and useful. Furthermore, many of the courses require one or multiple presentations as well as assignments and exams.
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With the course I selected (BBA), over the 4 years we are required to do one 2-3 month internship/summer job in France, one 3 month internship abroad, two semesters abroad and then a final 6 month internship abroad in a partner university.
Regarding the help that the university provides for us to find these internships, there is a career centre on campus, as well as various resources that we can access on our internal website. 
They are also normally quick to respond to any problems you have to help you solve them.
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International opportunities and connections
Have more flexibility with the outside organisms as well as imposing better teaching standards.
Useful  |  3
Une expérience professionnalisante
Florian R
France, Other courses
Marketing and Sales Management, 2022
L'école de commerce Excelia m'à permis d'avoir une vie associative très enrichissante avec la possibilité de gérer différents projets associatifs ce qui m'a permis de faire rapidement des rencontres avec les autres étudiants. D'un point de vue plus scolaire, Excelia nous met en relation avec de nombreux intervenants qui nous permettent de découvrir des cours à travers leurs yeux de professionnels. De plus, la mise en place de la mission humanitaire obligatoire permet une certaine ouverture d'esprit.
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Stages, ouverture à l'international, mission humanitaire, intervenants
REVIEWS BY INTERNS AT Excelia Business School
Mon expérience
Incroyable expérience qui ma fais évolué personnellement et professionnellement. De grande responsabilité donnés!
develop my skills in the financial field
enriching internship in the financial field, notions of accounting, finance control and analysis
Good internship where you are given a certain degree of r...
The overall internship was good. Each intern is given a different countries market and is tasked with the whole sales process in the given country. This means a lot of cold calling and emails. 
The team is very international and young since it is mostly made up of interns. It is easy to communicate to whoever is you have a certain problem. 

I would recommend this internship for 2-4 months, however I think that a 6 month internship would become too repetitive unless you are 100% sure you want to go into sales and that is what you love.
I helped that company to open an new branch in France, but due to Covid it was online. I enjoyed everything I learned, but being online is not the same experience as if I were in the company.
premier stage formateur
Bien que n'était pas ma première expérience professionnelle, ce fut mon premiers stage dans le cadre de mes études et j'ai pu y apprendre beaucoup. 
C'était une PME et par chance, le PDG m'a fait passer à chaque poste dans l'entreprise, de la production (de miel, ils transforment et commercialisent du miel), au service commerciale, à l'administration des ventes en passant par le service logistique et celui du d'enveloppement marketing.
Ce fut une expérience riche où j'ai beaucoup apprit sur le fonctionnement d'une entreprise et sa gestion, dans la globalité.
Des missions intéressant et une équipe dynamique
À travers les différents projet de l'entreprise j'ai pu développer mes compétences au sein d'une équipe dynamique dans une atmosphère agréable.
Trés complet
Experience enrichissante avec un grand nombre de responsabilités. Responsables à l'écoute du retour des différents stagiaires. Perpétuelle envie de changer et d'améliorer les choses.
Excelia’s identity is characterised by a unique mindset which runs through all its entities: five distinct Schools that welcome some 5,000 students, offering high quality education, with a strong emphasis on experiential learning! The programmes offered by our Higher Education Group are based on four founding and cross-disciplinary fundamentals: an exploration of the world and of oneself, international experience to learn about others, a diversity of experiences acting as lessons in life, and social responsibility. The Group is a pioneer/explorer in numerous fields: first SD Engineer/Manager in partnership with EIGSI first study programme in Sustainable Development (MSc SD & CSR) first School of Tourism Management (celebrating 20 years in 2020) first School to introduce a unique civic and humanitarian initiative for its students: Humacité© (6,600 students have benefitted from this initiative since its creation) the first School to have created a case centre (INNOV Case Lab), which has designed and administers two case Awards, in partnership with the Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques: the AFMAT Award for the best case in Tourism Management and the RIODD Award for the best case in Sustainable Development and CSR
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Other names: ESC La Rochelle
Phone: +33 5 46 51 77 00
Address: 102 rue de Coureilles, cedex 1, 17024 La Rochelle, France
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