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King's College - University of London (KLC)

104 reviews
3.90 / 5 based on 104 reviews
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İstanbul Ünıversıtesı, Istanbul, Turkey
Management Science, Graduate, Independent
Language of instruction: English
Was learning English a key decision factor?
Yes, I wanted to improve my English
How much did you improve your English?
My level before: At ease in most situations
My level after: No problems in any areas (including slang)
Language difficulties
Administrative / Institutional
Personal comments
As my first degree in University of Istanbul was conducted in English language I was already very familiar with using the language in academical way. I, however, improved my ability of speaking fluently in everyday life.
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Useful  |  0
İstanbul Ünıversıtesı, Istanbul, Turkey
Management Science, Graduate, Independent
Main source of funding:
Other sources of funding:
A private grant
Work opportunities:
I worked during my study abroad experience
Personal spending habits
As London happens to be one of the most expensive cities in the world, I, sometimes, had difficulties to manage my financial situtation.
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Overall, Nightlife, Housing, Travel, Food, Telephone:
was more expensive than at home.
Accessibility of student needs
Second-hand text books
Second-hand household items
Computers / Internet
Money from home
Personal comments
Banks are very helpful as most of then offer interest free overdraft zones up to £1250 to students.
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Useful  |  1
İstanbul Ünıversıtesı, Istanbul, Turkey
Management Science, Graduate, Independent
I wish I had known...
nothing particular as long as you know you do realise that you are going to live in a very expensive city and be ready for that.
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In my opinion:
Most people loved it.
Important factors in my choice
(1) Unimportant – (4) Very important
Academic reasons
Campus life
Party / people
Weather / location
Personal recommendation
King's College is a deep-rooted, reputable college and regulated by University of London. It is in the best ten in the country according to Financial Times 2003. I was quite satisfied with the college and have no regrets in any field.
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During my experience abroad, I ...
(1) Never – (4) A lot
Became familiar with another culture
Improved language skills
Met people from other countries
Became more independent
Partied a lot
Experienced a change in life
Advanced my studies & career
Final comments
using low cost airlines to travel in and out of London will save subtantial amount of money.
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Useful  |  5
İstanbul Ünıversıtesı, Istanbul, Turkey
Management Science, Graduate, Independent
Course recommendations
The Master's course was excellent and especially designed for those whose first degree was in some other diciplines rather than business management. The only problem was limited capacity of library when it comes to Business Management section. I always had to utilise the libraries of the other colleges of University of London(such as London School of Economics) to do my research.
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My academic experiences
Quality of courses
Variety of courses
Access to resources
Interaction with teachers
Interaction with international students
Interaction with local students
Personal comments
I failed to attend my last exam due to sickness. When I went to discuss this situation with the course administrator, who informed me that the International Management programme does not normally offer a replacement examination, requiring students who are prevented from sitting an examination to wait a year until the next full examination session in May 2004. This would leave me in the same position as if I had failed an examination and wished to re-sit, rather than being prevented from sitting an examination through no fault of my own. Therefore I wrote letters to the Board of Examiners and to the Head of Department. After a gruelling process, I am now granted an examination in August 2003. Whilst I understand that granting a replacement examination is at the discretion of the School Board of Examiners, I feel that it would be inequitable to not grant postgraduate students a replacement examination in August/September 2003, and thereby require them to wait a full year to complete the examinations in satisfaction of their master's degree. As I am sure everyone can appreciate, such a delay in completing a degree would have a detrimental impact on students career, leaving a hiatus in their CV that would require explanation. In the currently very competitive graduate job market, this could prevent students from commencing employment, as a normal condition precedent to an offer of employment is satisfactory completion of university studies.
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My opinion of the university assessment
Exams at end of course
Exams throughout the course
Essays and/or projects at the end of course
Essays and/or projects throughout the course
Useful  |  0
İstanbul Ünıversıtesı, Istanbul, Turkey
Management Science, Graduate, Independent
Type of housing: Apartment/House
Arranged by: Independently - My choice
If returning, I would choose: Apartment/House
because of its comfort and safe
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Personal assessment
Personal comments
my accomodation was arranged by myself and therefore I am not in the position to comment on housing facilities at King's College.
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Useful  |  0
İstanbul Ünıversıtesı, Istanbul, Turkey
Management Science, Graduate, Independent
Student life
Describe host city:
Students interact with the local community without much university involvement
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Nightlife, Travel: Takes place mostly outside the university/student environment
Activities: Takes place both within and outside of the university/student environment
Personal social experience
Personal comments
London is a musical heaven if one likes to go and see musicals. Mamma-mia, Chicago and Fame were the best among many others.
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