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Mary Immaculate College

7 avis
4.44 / 5 sur 7 avis
1 – 6 de 7
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Trine R
Aarhus Universitet, Aarhus, Danemark
Humanités, Master, Erasmus
Évaluation globale
Si j'avais su
That our house was in such a bad stay of repair.
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A mon avis:
Tout le monde a aimé, tu vas aimer
Critères importants pour mon choix
(1) Aucune importance – (4) Très important
Raisons académiques
Vie universitaire
Vie sociale / Fête
Climat et emplacement
Recommandation personnelle
That it should continue giving its exchange students such a warm welcome.
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Pendant mon expérience à l'étranger j'ai...
(1) Jaimais – (4) Très souvent
Appréhendé une autre culture
Accru mes compétences linguistiques
Rencontré des gens d'autres pays
Développé mon autonomie
Fait la fête
Vécu une transformation
Amélioré mes possibilités de carrière
Derniers commentaires
As regards the travel expenses, they do not necessarily have to be so high if one chooses to fly with Ryan Air. On arrival in Limerick and at Mary I, I believe the best thing one can do is to be extrovert and open-minded. If new students follow this piece of advice, then they are bound to get new friends quickly.
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Trine R
Aarhus Universitet, Aarhus, Danemark
Humanités, Master, Erasmus
Principale source de financement:
Autres sources de financement:
Mes propres économies<br> Autres
Opportunités d'emploi:
Je n'ai pas cherché à travailler
Dépenses habituelles
When studying abroad, one tends to go out more often. I believe that it is necessary to be extrovert and interested in the host community if one wishes to gain a deeper insight into the culture and make new friends. Moreover, one also spends more money travelling for the simple reason that one wants to experience as much as possible during one's stay.
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Général, Voyager, Logement, Téléphone, Vie nocturne:
Plus cher que chez moi
Aussi cher que chez moi
Accés au matériel scolaire
Livres d'occasion
Appareils d'occasion
Ordinateurs / internet
Démarches administratives
Retrait d'argent
Commentaire personnel
If one expects to stay abroad for a longer period of time, it might be a good idea to look into the possibilities of opening up a bank account and making one big transfer as opposed to continuously withdrawing money from an account in one's home country - this can easily end up becoming a costly affair.
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Trine R
Aarhus Universitet, Aarhus, Danemark
Humanités, Master, Erasmus
Recommandations de cours
Due primarily to the fact that Mary I is a fairly small university, we had a great relationship to our professors. I generally found that all of my professors were very passionate about their fields of study, and thus new students should not hesitate to choose whichever couse they find the most interesting. I, for my part, chose the following courses: literary modernism, media and society, American history from 1945 to the present,and a purely language-related course.
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Mon exprérience académique
Qualité des cours
Catalogue de cours
Accès à différentes ressources
Intéraction avec les professeurs
Intéraction avec les étudiants étrangers
Intéraction avec les étudiants locaux
Commentaire personnel
No, I found it very fulfilling.
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Mon avis sur l'évaluation
Examens en fin de cours
Examens au cours du trimestre
Travaux et projets finaux
Travaux et projets pendant le cours
Évaluation globale
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Trine R
Aarhus Universitet, Aarhus, Danemark
Humanités, Master, Erasmus
Langues étrangères
Langue d'enseignement: Anglais
Apprendre le Anglais fut un élément important de la décision?
Oui, je voulais améliorer mon Anglais
Quels progrès en Anglais?
Mon niveau d'avant: Aucun problème, même en colloquial
Mon niveau après: Aucun problème, même en colloquial
Difficultés linguistiques
Évaluation globale
Commentaire personnel
As I was already proficient in English prior to going to Ireland to study and as the language of instruction at my home university is also English, I must admit that I have not given it much thought. Moreover, I have also passed a Cambridge Proficiency Examination while living in Sydney (1996-1997)before I began my studies at the University of Aarhus, and hence I have never really experienced any language barriers.
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Trine R
Aarhus Universitet, Aarhus, Danemark
Humanités, Master, Erasmus
Vie étudiante
Description de la ville:
Autant sur le campus qu'à l'extérieur
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Activités: A lieu principalement à la fac et/ou entre les étudiants
Vie nocturne: A lieu surtout en hors campus
Voyager: A lieu autant sur le campus et en dehors
Expérience personnelle de vie sociale
Vie nocturne
Évaluation globale
Commentaire personnel
We visited as many pubs as possible while in Limerick. However, Duck's Warehouse was definitely one of my favourite places due to the fact that they held some great concerts there. Furthermore, when in Ireland, one should necessarily spend a weekend in Belfast, Dublin and Cork. As regards sports facilities, we frequently went to the University of Limerick where they had recently built a huge sports arena.
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Great University
Lewis B
Irlande, Licence
Communication et Sciences de l'Information, 2012
Évaluation globale
Very laid back university, which held to high standards of excellence with its students. Very freindly and accommodating staff and faculty members.
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Points forts
Nice atmosphere