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Avis sur Universidad de León (UL)

143 avis
4.20 / 5 sur 143 avis
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elodie w
IFI Rouen, Rouen, France
Gestion d'entreprise, Licence, Erasmus
Évaluation globale
Recommandation personnelle
They have a good organisation to welcome the foreign students, so keep it. But, I would like studying definitevely there because I don't like the way of teaching.
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Pendant mon expérience à l'étranger j'ai...
(1) Jaimais – (4) Très souvent
Appréhendé une autre culture
Accru mes compétences linguistiques
Rencontré des gens d'autres pays
Développé mon autonomie
Fait la fête
Vécu une transformation
Amélioré mes possibilités de carrière
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Michel M
Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, Royaume-Uni
Gestion d'entreprise, Licence, Erasmus
Recommandations de cours
Course here tend to be annual courses. As I only stayed for a semester, I had little choice, but managed to arrange my timetable so that the earliest class started at 11am and that I had Friday off. When you arrive, you get a booklet with all the courses on offer. You are not expected to decide straight away what you're gonna take for good. You have one month after the course starts to select your classes. My advice: take your time, don't rush in the choice as ou will have to sit an exam in that particular subject!! Make a list of the courses you're interested or think that would be valuable to your education and pop in to see what they are like. Classes are held in seminars so you can pop in for a couple of weeks and if you don't like it, don't take it. Some tutors take quite a lot into consideration that you're foreign and have some problems with the language and they will offer help when you need it. Others just expect you to follow the class just like everyone else. When doing presentations, most tutors put you in a group with one or more spaniards, so you'll get a better opportunity to get to know them and they will help you with your assignment. Which means you're more likely to get a better mark!! They are usually more than happy to help with anything from notes to finding books about the course.
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Mon exprérience académique
Qualité des cours
Catalogue de cours
Accès à différentes ressources
Intéraction avec les professeurs
Intéraction avec les étudiants étrangers
Intéraction avec les étudiants locaux
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Buen campus, buen ambiente, buenas instalaciones
Daniel G
Espagne, Licence
Gestion d'entreprise, 2012
Évaluation globale
En la facultad de económicas, profesorado a mejorar (en el 80%). Profesorado con ganas de seguir un libro al pie de la letra y pocas ganas de hacer partícipe al alumnado (clases de 200 personas). Clases aburridas y sin alicientes. 
La tónica cambia al pasar de 1er ciclo a 2º ciclo. Clases más pequeñas, profesorado más involucrado y asignaturas más interesantes que ayudan a dirigirte hacia tu salida profesional.

Necesitan mejorar en cuanto a orientación laboral, con casos reales. Era una facultad demasiado teórica en cuanto a todo.
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Points forts
Buena organización, gran cantidad de opciones de asignaturas libres.
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Yago Q
Management, 2024
Évaluation globale
It's hard to keep one thing in the end, I think I've had the full university experience, well I'm missing an internship to live up to this good experience. The year of Erasmus was probably the best, maybe I sacrificed some things on an academic level but at the same time I grew up and matured a lot more than I could have done sitting in front of a book. And in the end I think that university is all about the people you meet and all the adversities and situations you have to face to stop being a child (the nidelity of maturity with which you arrive) and leave as a man.
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Points forts
All the opportunities they give you to move and learn abroad
It would reduce bureaucracy and red tape in order to bring it closer to everyone.
Presencial, Grado, Veterinaria, 5 Años
Presencial, Grado, Gestión medioambiental, 4 Años
Presencial, Grado, Derecho y empresa, 4 Años
Presencial, Grado, Gerencia, 4 Años
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Autres noms: León
Téléphone: +34 987 29 16 07
Adresse: UNIVERSIDAD DE LEON, Pabellón de Gobierno, Avda. de la Facultad nº25, 24071-LEON, León, Espagne
Accords universitaires internationaux de Universidad de León
Universiteit Gent (271 avis)
ESSEC (203 avis)
Lietuvos Kuno Kulturos Institutas
Uniwersytet Slaski (15 avis)