I corsi presso l'università degli studi di Napoli Federico II sono stati strutturati bene dall'ateneo. Studiando Ingegneria Aerospaziale, prima di iniziare potevo ritenere complicato sostenere 4/5 esami a semestre, ma con l'esperienza e la giusta organizzazione, e, grazie alle numerose date d'esame disponibili e organizzate bene dai docenti, sono riuscito nel mio intento. L'unico contro a volte è la scarsa disponibilità di tirocini/laboratori e attività "pratiche" rispetto alla tanta teoria che svolgiamo, inoltre alcune aule studio sono inagibili o chiudono presto.
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La oficina de carreras
Non ci ho interagito
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A favor
Didattica, professori, organizzazione esami e date d'esame
En contra
Favorire stage e attività di laboratorio
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“Chance to be Stronger”
Elvira V
Luxemburgo, Posgrado Ingeniería, Química, 2019
Valoración global
Stronger is the word appearing in my mind when I think of my experience at university. It was not easy, so many times I wasn't able to go ahead but that's exactly what I did! I achieved my goal in the best way and I realized that every day has been a chance to set my limits higher. Now I'm ready to start a new exciting challenge to further push those limits farther away!
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A favor
It prepares you very well
En contra
Not very prrofessional workers
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“Environmental Engineering at Federico II”
Ilaria C
España, Posgrado , 2020
Valoración global
I have studied Environmental Engineering at University Federico II during the years in which it was still little known. I really appreciate the Bachelor and the Master too, but in these recent years things are changing in better than when I studied there. The university courses are more interesting and up with the current times.
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A favor
Excellent professors
En contra
Little practice
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“Preparation, Philosophy”
Roberta M
Italia, Posgrado Filosofía, 2022
Valoración global
during my university career I was able to deepen the philosophical issues, developing research skills, analysis and high performance in the production of texts, which makes them prepared and adaptable to the most disparate professional contests