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University of Reading (RDG)

111 reviews
3.94 / 5 based on 111 reviews
1 – 6 of 111
Useful  |  3
HEC Liège, Liège, Belgium
Business Studies, Undergraduate, Erasmus
Type of housing: With a family
Arranged by: Host university
If returning, I would choose: Apartment/House
Living in a host family is really interesting as a first experience abroad. You generally have lots of facilities, and you can speak the foreign language very often. However, you are not completely independent, and you often have to go out in order to meet people of your age out of the courses. I am very confident that living in a flat or sharing a house with other students from different nationalities is a great experience too, especially if you already know the country a little. And, of course, you are more independent.
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Personal assessment
Personal comments
I stayed in a host family, near the Reading University campus. The location of the house was perfect. The family, 2 people of about 60 years, was really kind to me, and I could use all the facilities, like the kitchen, the washing machine, the iron, etc. Moreover, I stayed there with a German girl, who was also studying at the university. Therefore, I could practise my German with her. She was also very kind. The main problem was the fact that such an accomodation was quite expensive. However, I have to admit that the cost of life in United Kingdom is high for a foreigner in any case.
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Useful  |  0
Rutgers, New Brunswick, United States
Economics, Undergraduate, Independent
Type of housing: On campus
Arranged by: Independently - My choice
If returning, I would choose: On campus
Living on campus at University of Reading was the best experience of my life. When I first got there, I did not know anybody and it was easy to make friends, because everybody in the dorm went to the dining hall to eat. I hung out with a group of international students, such as myself and we behaved as a family, eating together, celebrating birthdays, playing poker. It was special!
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Personal assessment
Personal comments
The housing overall was good. I had my own room, unlike in my 3.5 years at Rutgers and ushers would clean my room every day. The hall was clean and had various events, such as Christmas dance, boat cruise, and soccer matches. Unfortunately, we had to pay a lot of money for thos events and for the printer, which still does not work (I came back in May to see my friends and it did not work). Another negative is food, but food is usually bad at all university halls. Overall, housing was good.
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Useful  |  1
Worth it but could be better
Stephanie A
Jordan, Graduate
, 2018
While the UoR does have a careers office, I feel it is mostly focused on European/British residents, as it is easier for them to work since they do not require a work visa. It would be helpful to focus on careers for international students who come from the Middle East or any other continent in which there are more strict laws regarding different types of visas.
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Following up with alumni, having a website where you could sign in and check opportunities
Could improve focus on international students with more strict visa laws.
Useful  |  1
Great time
Oluwaferanmi O
United Kingdom, Undergraduate
Philosophy, 2020
The tutors and professors provide a great deal of support by being constantly available for any queries you have. The student support centre provides some of the best mental health care by making sure that they are doing everything in their power to make sure you time at The University of Reading is as comfortable as possible. The social life in Reading is diverse allowing you access to many cultures and the campus is large and beautiful.
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Completely supported
It is easy to get lost
Useful  |  1
HEC Liège, Liège, Belgium
Business Studies, Undergraduate, Erasmus
I wish I had known...
I wish I had known more about cooking, as I have noticed that it is really important during such a stay abroad, and I am definitely a bad cooker.
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In my opinion:
Everybody loved it, you will too!
Important factors in my choice
(1) Unimportant – (4) Very important
Academic reasons
Campus life
Party / people
Weather / location
Personal recommendation
I think Reading represents well what a university in UK can be. The academic methods for the lectures, the exercises, the essays and exams are typically English. Personally, I like this kind of programme, where you have to read more and do more research before writing essays than in Belgium. It is more original, more interesting, and not so difficult. You can easily get used to it.
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During my experience abroad, I ...
(1) Never – (4) A lot
Became familiar with another culture
Improved language skills
Met people from other countries
Became more independent
Partied a lot
Experienced a change in life
Advanced my studies & career
Final comments
I believe the best way to enjoy the life at Reading university is to join English student clubs. Personally, I joined the photography club, the athletics club and the "chess and bridge" club. In such clubs, you can meet local and foreign students and make them become your friends. During the time I spent in these clubs, I had great fun and very nice moments. It is also a way to discover how English students live and enjoy life during their spare times. Finally, if you would like to enjoy short trips in England, Scotland or Ireland, you can do it for a 3-day or a 1-week experience in groups of about 20 people sharing a minibus. For Scotland, the company is called "Haggis", for England, I don't remember, sorry, and for Ireland, it is "Blarney buses". With Blarney, I had a great experience in Ireland. I recommend it to everyone.
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Useful  |  0
Rutgers, New Brunswick, United States
Economics, Undergraduate, Independent
Main source of funding:
Other sources of funding:
Family<br> Personal savings<br> Government assistance
Work opportunities:
I didn't explore any work options
Personal spending habits
The pound is more expensive than the dollar. The only category that I spent less in England was nightlife, because I go to New York City clubs and they are expensive. Reading is a small city, unlike New York and London, so I spent less on nightlife, but because of the pound-dollar comparison, more on everything else.
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Travel, Housing, Food, Overall, Telephone:
was more expensive than at home.
was less expensive than at home.
Accessibility of student needs
Second-hand text books
Second-hand household items
Computers / Internet
Money from home
Personal comments
England is very expensive, so it is key to spend money on what you have to spend. When you are travelling, do not pay 15 pounds for a meal when you can spend 8 (that is 13 dollar difference!) A pound is $1.60, so always think how much it is yu are spending in dollars!
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1 – 6 of 111