In September 1995 thirteen colleges of higher education merged to form the HOGESCHOOL GENT.
With over 10,000 students and some 900 teaching staff, the HOGESCHOOL GENT offers a wide range of
subjects - in fact almost anything from the Fine Arts to Engineering Sciences.
Some forty basic courses lead to approximately ninety diplomas, thus covering 90% of all fields of study in
Flemish higher education. We are, in fact, the largest 'Hogeschool' in the country. The Hogeschool Gent
consists of 11 departments, a Centre of Technological Research, a comprehensive Social Service Unit and
unique sports accommodation. Housing accommodation, specialized libraries, individual study schemes for
top sportsmen, student counsellors and study-related services at departmental level stress our
student-centred policy. Naturally, our rooms and auditoria are fully-equipped to meet present-day
teaching methodology standards.
Finally, we are situated in the country's leading university and college town: the City of Gent.
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Phone: +32 9 266 08 68 (Int'l Office)
Address: Vlaamse Autonome Hogeschool Gent, Kortrijksesteenweg 567, 9000 Gent, Ghent, Belgium